P is for pictures.

Ok, Noah page has been updated. If you’d like to visit it, the addy is http://monkeystace.com/noah.htm .


But, eh, what the hell, I’ll post the new pictures right here, too, because I’m that freaking bored.

Belly picture taken on Monday at 24 weeks, 1 day.

The stuff I bought yesterday:


and more onesies…


More pacifiers…I know from experience that these things mysteriously disappear right when you need them most, so I can’t seem to buy enough of them!!

and, this little gift set thing that has a hooded towel, a onesie, a pair of socks, a hat, two washcloths, and a little rubber frog, which I forgot to put in the picture…whoops.


Now, for the gifts…..

I can’t remember if I’ve posted a picture of this yet or not….a robe from Meredith and Allen. They spoil me and my kid. 🙂

And remember that $200 gift certificate we got? Here’s what we bought with it:

A swing!! Yes, this is the one that matches the pack n play. It is awesome.

I adore this onesie.

And this blanket is one of the softest things I’ve ever felt….I want one for myself, lol!

Package of three blankets….

Package of four blankets…

And, last but not least, the package that took the longest to get here because the United States Postal Service is incompetent, a breast pump! Yes, it’s a manual…I don’t plan on pumping too often, just often enough to have milk available whenever we might leave him with my mom or something, or for when Jake wants to feed him.

So there you have it, folks. I probably would have gotten more with the gift certificate had I been able to use it at Target.com like I thought I’d be able to, but, eh, that just leaves more lower priced items for me to spend my own money on, lol.

That’s about all for now….I really want to watch more Rescue Me, but now Jake wants me to wait till he gets home to watch it ’cause he missed the beginning of the second season…..*sigh*. So I must find other ways to entertain myself.

But hey, in less than 16 weeks, I’ll have my baby boy to keep me occupied all day.


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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June 1, 2006

Cute stuff!

Hi, found you on the OD front page lol – congrats on your son – the stuff you have is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 1, 2006

oops that’s from me up there – forgot I wasn’t signed in lol

June 1, 2006

Soooo cute! Makes me want my next one to be a boy 🙂

June 1, 2006

Cute stuff!!! You can definitely see that pregnant belly. Too cute! =)

June 1, 2006

Awww! These pictures are still making me want one!

June 1, 2006

Love everything you got!! You belly picture is the cutest! You so round just like me!! I like being round, haha, so it’s not a bad thing!! And Yayy!! For only 16 more weeks! Monday I make 8 months so I only have 8, wow! time sure does fly!! 🙂


Awe, that stuff is so cute!!!

I love baby boy clothes

June 1, 2006

I have that same pump! It’s been working pretty well for me.

June 1, 2006

Wow, that boy is going to be spoilt!!!!!!!!! Cute stuff, though!

June 1, 2006

Cute baby boy stuff… and cute cute cute belly! 😉

June 1, 2006


OMG that pump looks painful LOL… and that little turtle onesie is sooooo cute! Turtles are my fave animal… 😀

June 2, 2006

RYN: Yes, they do. I love the little frog towel you bought. Super cute. 🙂