oy vey.

JR, Louisa, and Dale came down on Friday night.

I swear, I have never seen a worse momma’s boy. She really needs to get a job, if for no other reason than the fact that Dale would then have to spend time with someone other than her, and therefore wouldn’t be so dependent on just her.

I can’t even tell you how many times I wanted to slap Louisa. I should not be the one keeping her kid out of my things…I should not be the one comforting her kid when he falls and starts crying. She should not be sitting on her ass trying to ignore him. Even JR was getting fed up with her.

Jake is now convinced that we’re having a boy though, because other than letting me hold him when he cried, Dale didn’t want much to do with me. Eh….he rarely wants anything to do with anyone other than Louisa, so that’s not exactly surprising.


Oh, and Jimmie Johnson can kiss my fat ass. What the fuck was that shit.


Damn right I’m a hater.


And Stewart…..and Kenseth, too….shame on the both of you. Neither of you acted like former champions.


Go Kasey!!! If this was setting the tone for the year, I think the 9 team has good things ahead of them.



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February 19, 2006

You know I’m not a Nascar person…. And that sucks about Louisa… at least you know you will be a way better parent than her!

February 19, 2006

I hate Jimmie Johnson…

February 20, 2006

Jimmie Johnson made me so mad!!!!!!!! Of course you have haters, your team has been cheating and you come in and win the freaking thing- it’s just not right. >:(

February 20, 2006

How now brown cow. Think of it the good way, we’d rather have Jimmy i have a small johnson winning than dale my dad died here so everyone lets me win jr. Right? And hey! no ripping on kenseth. I’da done it too! Stewart was an ass for taking someone out who was in 2nd place during the DAYTONA 500! that was bs. and dont forget that our beloved kasey did something similar last year.

February 20, 2006

eye for an eye biatches. and poo to lousia. did i even spell that right? grr.

I’m a lurker coming out of the shadows 🙂

February 20, 2006

ryn: We might do a DITY move (very very doubtful, it depends where and when we are moving though, I can’t imagine the compensation enough to be worth it) Speaking of which, will TMO move your stuff while you are on terminal leave or not till you are out out? I don’t like the movers touching my stuff though so I basically kinda sorta pack for them, I have it all out and organized into piles.

February 20, 2006

I’m crazy like that. I also have my own inventory. Lol. The movers love me though. They are in and out in like two hours for all of our stuff, at least in the Azores. Now with our elliptical and computer desks and furniture they probably won’t.

February 20, 2006

ryn: Yeah they let me keep stuff in the rubbermaid tubs to and from the Azores. I don’t really care about that that much as most of my clothes and valuables will be with me in the car this time-it’s a lot different having 2 vehicles to take of stuff instead of just 2 suitcases each to last as long as we could. And the biggest question I have about it all is the whole when can we get our stuff out.