Over it.*

I’m just…..done. I just don’t have the energy for it all anymore.

Jake has made little to no effort towards me since what happened in August. Oh, sure, he’s watched Noah for me every day so I can take naps, but I really don’t give him a choice, and he does a half assed job at it anyway. Every time I come back out, he’s in the dining room playing WoW or whatever and essentially ignoring Noah.

He told me the other day that it was up to me whether or not I wanted to get the CVS testing for this pregnancy. But all of a sudden, he doesn’t want me to do it because it costs too much and I’m apparantly always wanting to spend money on things we don’t necessarily need, like, say, a dresser for Noah. Yeah, I guess our kid will just have to deal with having all of his clothes in a friggin’ laundry basket. And oh, it wouldn’t be expensive at all to find out at birth that our child has Down Syndrome or something and then be faced with raising a special needs child.

Oh, and apparantly, my mom wanting to buy stuff for the kids is charity. Yup, Jake thinks that she only buys so much stuff because she feels sorry for us or something. Please. Guess what? She’d buy whatever the hell she wanted even if we were millionaires. Yeah, Mom’s going to be having a little chat with him about that one.

Whatever. I’m done with it. He can do whatever in the hell he wants for all I friggin’ care right now. It’s not like he does a whole hell of a lot around here besides earn the money to pay the bills. And, duh, we’d be screwed if he didn’t, but it sure would be nice if I didn’t pretty much view him as just another person to clean up after. It’d be nice if I actually felt he gave a shit about us. Or me, more specifically.

Oh, and if this just isn’t the icing on the cake.

We all already know that he’s lazy as hell when it comes to taking care of his VA stuff.

Now he’s ignoring the Army, as well.

A message was left for him while we were all sleeping (ever since I stopped breastfeeding Noah during the day, I’ve been required to become his human mattress if I have any hopes of him taking a nap). I couldn’t understand all of it at first, so I made him come out to listen to it. Some friggin’ Army dude wanting to confirm his IRR status. I knew this would happen eventually, seeing as how they seemed to just not switch him to IRR when he left active duty.

But, instead of calling the guy back, since he was already up and all, he wandered back to bed. "I’m tired" he says.

Join the friggin’ club, buddy.








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October 1, 2007

Sounds like my house..

October 1, 2007

Hopefully he doesn’t know you spent $100 on an OD+ Lifetime Membership. Sorry you’re feeling down about your relationship. It must be tough to essentially raise a child alone while also being pregnant

October 1, 2007

saw you on the front page, I hope things get better for you. It’s ridiculous not to want the test done, I don’t understand men’s way of thinking sometimes.

October 1, 2007

Guys.Suck. The end.

October 1, 2007

ryn: hey if you ever want to come over for a scrapbook fest let me know! 🙂

October 1, 2007

🙁 My parents and my brother love to spoil the kids with gifts. Sure, we need money and its always nice to have someone else buy them clothes and such so we dont have to.. but that’s not why they do it!

*hugs* im sorry hun… I dont understand why men aer so diffcult sometimes…

October 1, 2007

Charity?? Come on! Everyone knows thats the “I’m excited as hell about my new grandkid” dance. All grandparents do it. Well, the good ones anyway. He really could use an attitude adjustment. I’m really sorry you have to put up with this.

October 1, 2007

Sounds like Jake needs a serious attitude adjustment. Are you planning to go stay with your Mom for awhile?

October 1, 2007

Cass put out a really good idea. You should go stay away from him for a little while to make him appreciate you more.

October 1, 2007

Adam is the same way. Last week he took a day off and his boss called early in the morning and I asked if he was going to call him back and he said no. I told him “what if it’s important?” and he said he was too tired to care. UGH.

October 1, 2007

:o( I hope something snaps him out of this before its too late…. *hugs*