Out and about

Check out my previous entry if you haven’t already seen it!


I finally managed to drag myself and Noah to the DMV today. I’ve been meaning to go all week, but hadn’t for various reasons – Monday I had no car (Jake’s in radar school this week, so he’s gone all day. He had to take the car on Monday because I wasn’t going to wake Noah up so we could drop him off at the team office. He’s had a take home cruiser since then, though.). Tuesday, Noah woke up at seven (he’s been waking at eight lately) and I knew I wasn’t going to get in and out of there in time to be home before he was ready for a nap…and I didn’t want to go in the afternoon since it’s usually busier then. Yesterday, the weather was nasty and I was just feeling very blah. So, I was determined to go today. We did end up going in the afternoon, because it was just way too cold this morning.

But surprisingly, I didn’t encounter the line I was expecting. The last time I went to the DMV office, the line was backed up terribly – all of the seats inside the actual office were full, and the line went out and down the hallway clear out to the building entrance. It was insane. But today? Not a single person in the hallway, and there were actually empty seats in the office. Still took a little while, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had prepared myself for.

I was a little worried when I was doing my vision test….I was reading out the line, and the examiner said "Can’t you read anything to the left of [insert whatever the letters I started with were here]?" Ummm….nope. Can’t read out of my left eye, blah blah blah…..but apparantly, it wasn’t a big deal because I still have a license.

Anyway. Glad I finally got that done, because I’ve already got two appointments next week and my birthday is next weekend, so I was running out of time! It makes me feel kind of old, though, already having to renew my license…I told my mom that and she said "So what does that make me, ancient?" LOL.

Hmm….I know there was more I wanted to write about, but I’m drawing a blank right now, so I’ll sign off.


lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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February 29, 2008

lol, you are not at all old….hate the dmv….

February 29, 2008

Ugh, the eye exams always stress me out too. I’m like, ok, I know my eyes might be worse but I really can’t afford new glasses now… So I just cross my fingers.

February 29, 2008

The DMV is awful for lines. I remember going with Adam to renew his license and we were there for probably 2 hours waiting before he was seen.

February 29, 2008

Going to the dmv sucks unless you go right when they open. I had to go this morning to get replacement plates for my car becuz someone stolen a plate off my car. The dmv opened today at 830am and I was there by 840. And there were only about 5 people inside there that were to do something.