
Just got back from my doctor’s appointment. She’s not concerned about the bleeding OR the swelling, since I don’t have any protein in my urine and my blood pressure is pretty much perfect.

Did the swab for the Group B strep, that was a little uncomfortable, but, eh. Should have those results back by next week.

And then…..my very first internal. Ow, ow, OW. THAT hurt like a son of a bitch. But, I am indeed dialated a couple of centimeters, and baby boy is VERY much head down and engaged. And Dr. Cannon says if he wants to come anytime after my next appointment, she’s not going to stop him.

So. Definitely need to get more stuff done around the house today. Don’t want to put it off and then end up not getting it done at all. As long as I get that stuff in the spare room dealt with, I’ll be happy. Everything else is just general, day to day stuff anyhow.


So, that’s my excitement for the day!


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August 23, 2006

yah for dilation!

And yay for nesting, too! Can’t wait to be pregnant. Okay, that’s a lie. I can totally wait to be pregnant. Who wants to be poked, proded, stretched, and generally abused? I can’t wait to have a baby!

August 23, 2006

awww yay, you must be getting really excited!!

August 23, 2006

Glad to hear all went well! If your going to be cleaning today and want the baby to come faster then move things around, lol. My doctor told me no heavy housework until my last trimester because it makes the process go faster! 🙂

August 23, 2006

I’m just dropping by, I hit random. Congratulations! Hope the delivery is very quick for you! 🙂

August 23, 2006

I hope he gets here soon!

August 23, 2006

Yes, those internals suck. When the Doc was doing mine he saw the look on my face and being a smart ass asked if it hurt. When I said yes, he said “Okay. I’ll stop.” lol. I go back Thursday and have to get checked again. I am NOT looking forward to that. Did they say exactly how many cm’s you are??

August 23, 2006

wow I cant believe you’re dilated already!!

awww not to much longer… CANT WAIT!! when is your next apt?

August 23, 2006

So cool!

August 23, 2006

how exciting! i can’t wait 🙂 xo

August 23, 2006

Thats Awesome!!! Soon, very soon!

August 23, 2006

Woo hoo! So close now!

He’s gotta hold on for two more weeks!!! That’s it! And we’ll even do it by my DATE, not your’s since I’m a day ahead. *lol* I’ll be underway though, so you’ll have to email me when you get home from the hospital so I’ll know. 😀

August 24, 2006


I love it. Sorry it was so painful though! Babies make the world go ’round.

August 24, 2006

How did I miss this entry?! Well anyway, you and Cass will probably both go before me with my luck! You lucky girls! Can’t believe we’re almost done… God it just seems like we found out a couple of months ago, doesn’t it? Went through all the Iraq crap together and now we’re gonna be mommas together… so crazy. Anyway, get your stuff done girlie… sounds like he’s coming SOON!!!!! 🙂

August 26, 2006

Holy crap, I can’t believe you’re almost there!!!