One of those update things

Well, since at least one person actually cares about where I am, I figured I’d do an update. 

There’s not much to write about, really. Jake and I play a lot of WoW together and his nights off kill me because I end up staying up way too late. 

Noah is in full on terrible twos mode. Screaming, throwing himself on the floor, the whole nine yards. But when he’s not getting on my last nerve, he’s awesome. His vocabularly is slowly picking up – he’s finally saying mama! He’s even starting to learn the alphabet a little. He’s still such a bundle of energy…heck, him and Maddy both. They both go to bed between 11 and midnight now and get up around nine or ten. Naptime is around one or two and they *usually* sleep for three hours. Maddy takes little catnaps here and there, but other than that she is wide awake and ready to play!

It’s hard to believe my baby girl is six months old already, nearly seven months. She’s still not on solids, and she doesn’t have any teeth yet either. We’ve tried solids, but she’s just not interested in them yet. She ADORES her big brother – her face lights up when she sees him and she coos and giggles at him and it’s just the sweetest thing. Noah couldn’t care less about her; he seems to already have the mentality that girls have cooties or something.

Really, not much else to say. Life is just…life.


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November 26, 2008

We need to see some pics of those precious kids! 🙂 I’m glad they are doing well.

November 27, 2008

i’m glad you updated! i want to see recent pics 🙂 xo

January 2, 2009

Happy 2009 may this year be all you wish for and more