One More Hour! *

Yup, just one more hour before I’m back in the OB’s office….finding out what this jelly bean is! Anyone care to make a guess?

Jake asked me this morning if I’d be upset if it turns out to be another boy. Honestly? Yeah, at least a little. I highly doubt I’d ever get him on board for a third kid to try for a girl. So I’d really like to get my girl now! I’d love a little boy just as much as I love Noah, and just as much as I’d love a girl, but I’ve always dreamed of having a little girl and it’d be awfully hard to let go of that dream.


Anyway, I need to go start getting ready. Gotta leave in half an hour…stupid Charlotte traffic means it takes me nearly half an hour to get to my doctor’s office, even though they’re only about 10 miles away. Ridiculous.

Ok, I’m back! Well, I’ve been back for over an hour, but mommy duties called.

And oh yes, I know the gender. Very, very clear, absolutely no mistaking it.

But all you get to know for now is that the baby looks perfect. Still measuring about 5 days behind, but again, that seems to be the norm for me.

Now, off to look at names and decide what I’m going to print to put in the picture frames we’re using to announce this to everyone, since I have to print out at least one tonight to send out to Danny and Marissa.





lilypieexpecting a baby ticker

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December 11, 2007

I’m hoping for a girl! Even though it’ll be 2 weeks before you tell us. Tease!

December 11, 2007

i got my fingers crossed for a girl! at least its not snowing by you! lol.

December 11, 2007


December 11, 2007

i have three girls…no boys…trade ya. ha. luck!

December 11, 2007

I can empathize with your dream of a girl. When we had our 2nd child we hoped for a girl. Then we found out we were having another boy, for a second it was a little disappointing but then everything was just fine. And we love our 2nd son just as much as we do our first. I’m not ready to give up on having a girl someday, but I don’t know if we’ll have a 3rd. Good luck, hope it’s a girl!!!!

December 11, 2007

WTH!!! I want to know!!! Don’t leave me guessing!!!

December 11, 2007

I think you’ll be printing pink picture frames…:)

December 11, 2007

I hope they’re pink frames! You really aren’t giving any hints, huh? Your entry is so neutral!!

December 11, 2007

I would guess that just by the way your entry read that you found out it’s a girl. I hope you share the good news soon!

December 11, 2007

Ooohhhh the suspense is killing me!!! 🙂

December 11, 2007

TELL US!!! i’m anxious to know! xo

December 11, 2007

ugh, you BUTT!

December 12, 2007

ah!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to know so bad.