Not in the mood.

I am seriously not in the mood to do anything productive right now.

Then again, I did a LOT yesterday.

I took it upon myself to start rearranging the spare bedroom. Pulled the old desk out from against the wall and turned it sideways. Moved the bookcase from the retarded spot Jake put it in so that I could move the guest bed. Then had to move the bookcase again.

Jake bawled me out when he got home. *rolls eyes* I know my limits. I would have stopped if it had been too much. I wasn’t lifting anything, just pushing and tugging. My shoulders are sore today, but that’s about it.

He KNEW I wanted this stuff done before Noah arrives. But he never wants to do anything when he gets home from work. And it’s hard enough just to get him to take out the trash.

I must have laid a pretty good guilt trip on him, though, because he did move some stuff from the spare room downstairs for me, and brought my scrapbooking stuff back upstairs as well. Though I almost wish I would have just left it downstairs, because now that wall looks really bare. Eh, I can just move the swing over there if it starts bothering me too much.

We should be rid of the old desk by Sunday at the latest, and then I can finish moving stuff in the spare room. I need to rehang the pictures in there. And move the "Kasey case", as well as the other bookcase.

And then, aside from all of the normal cleaning that goes on in a household, I need to wash the curtains from the living room and the spare room. Especially the living room curtains…..they are covered in cat hair from those two constantly being bad kitties and climbing in the window.


If I don’t go into labor on my own before next Wednesday (that’s when my next appointment is, for those of you who asked), I’m thinking of possibly asking Dr. Cannon to strip my membranes. I seriously cannot handle this pelvic pain much longer. It’s caused me to get next to no sleep the past couple of days because every little movement I make, whether it be to switch sides or even just move my leg a little, hurts bad enough to make me want to cry. Tylenol, hot baths, heating pad…none of it helps. It was manageable before….but now that Noah’s dropped, and his head is VERY low down there, it’s very, very bad. *sigh*… least he’s not breech, so I don’t have to worry about THAT.

Y’all need to start sending some labor vibes my way. Tomorrow night would be perfect – I’ll be exactly 37 weeks, and Jake won’t have to take any of his vacation time right away. My mom would love it, too….turns out she’ll only be able to take four days off of work, so she really wants me to go into labor during a weekend, or very close to it, so she can spend more time down here.

Anyway. I’m going to go soak in a hot bath and see if that will help my shoulders a little, at least. And then maybe try to sleep a little more. I can’t even THINK about doing any housework when I’m this tired.


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seen you on the front page. My husband finally got tired of me fussing at him while I was moving our stuff around and then felt guilty!

August 25, 2006

I feel ya girlie… hope you find some relief soon! *BIG HUGS*

August 25, 2006

I’ve heard sex helps induce labor…just sayin’…good luck!

August 25, 2006

I hope he makes his appearance soon so you can get some relief!

August 25, 2006

GOod for you for being productive- more than I can say for myself! 🙂

August 25, 2006

Take it easy on the housework, girl! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!

August 25, 2006

I know you’re anxious but he’s still getting some development going in there if he hasn’t come yet ;o) & I saw someone say sex to strip membranes & yada yada…I’ll just tell you from MY experience, if you’re in pain now, it won’t help lol I literally CRIED after we tried the sex thing….it was horrible pain. I went into labor the next day BUT I was also 10 days overdue so who knows…GOOD LUCK!

August 26, 2006

You are almost there not to much longer.Good Luck sweetie. Sue