My so called life

Yeesh, my life is boring now. I never thought I’d say this, but I need to get a job before I drive myself crazy. But of course, that’d be too easy, right? I have been applying to places on CareerBuilder like crazy, but can’t even get a courtesy "thanks but no thanks" letter, phone call, or email. When did people stop doing that? Anyway, sitting home alone all day is boring, and then I don’t see much of Jake even after he comes home because he has to study, study, study. *sigh* I did call Borders earlier and the manager on duty told me to call back tomorrow ’cause I’d want to speak with the general manager, and she has today off. I guess they at least send out postcards when they don’t want to hire someone, and when I told him I’d applied over a week ago he seemed surprised that I hadn’t either received an interview offer or a postcard. I’m keeping my fingers crossed because it really would be an ideal job for me – we all know that I adore books, and when I start getting ginormously fat and can’t waddle around, I’m sure they can find a stool to plop me on in front of a register.

I threw up yesterday….I was trying to clean up the liquidy junk that Kasey spits up when he coughs up a hairball, but oddly enough, there was no hairball to go with it this time. Anyway, I normally gag a little when doing this, but for some reason, my stomach couldn’t handle it yesterday and off I went……Jake had to finish cleaning it up because it made me so nauseous. I haven’t exactly been feeling so wonderful today, either.

Other than that, I’m doing alright. I don’t get those darn cramps nearly as often now, usually only when I get up or sit/lie down too fast. I’ve gained a few pounds already, which is weird, because the past few days, I’ve been a bad mommy and haven’t eaten much……just the thought of food makes me sick though. I did manage to eat some Taco Bell yesterday, and I’m thinking about going to get some more because I’m just not in the mood to actually make something myself.

Yeesh, could this entry be any more boring? I’m going to go find SOMETHING to occupy my time with…..if the darn DVD player wasn’t broke, I’d start watching my Dawson’s Creek DVDs again……..*sigh*


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Keep in mind – the baby is going to suck all nutrients she needs from your body first so it’s okay that you haven’t eaten much. And yes. I said she. You’re having a girl. Cassie is having a boy. I’m having an IT because I just can’t get a vibe off of what this child is yet.

February 1, 2006

RYN: Nooooooooo! LOL. It says I’m having a boy. Which, btw, proves my theory that this HAD to be Liam’s offspring of a BOY for all the complications I’ve had. I’ll find out Monday. Gimme your number again. I’m going to go down my phonebook telling people when I find out.

where’s the chinese predictor thing?

February 1, 2006

I am the same way with food… Just the thought of it makes me sick. I haven’t gotten to the “pig out” stage yet. Thank God. But I do eat as well as possible. Being pregnant is wonderful, ain’t it? 🙂

February 1, 2006

*picks a fight with Danielle* your both having girls……..

dawson’s creek. hmmm i want the dvds!

oh i agree! two girls!:)