My mom is crazy!!

So, I was talking to my mom tonight…

I mentioned that Noah is still breech. Of course, she gives me the standard response of "he’s still got plenty of time to turn around"….yes, I know that. But I mentioned having to have a c-section if he DOESN’T turn, and she developed her "know it all" attitude…..apparently, she was breech when she was born, and Grandma delivered her vaginally….well, yeah, that was also back in 1961. They usually don’t allow women to deliver breech babies vaginally these days unless the woman has already progressed pretty far in her labor, because there’s all kinds of risks to the baby, and an episiotomy would most likely be required, and they don’t like to do those anymore, either. And then she was like "Well, you were breech when you were born, but I had a c-section with you because they had to take you out since you were sick and you had the cord wrapped around you"…..yeah, and I was also delivered at 32 weeks, Mom. If I hadn’t been sick, I still would have had time to turn around, ya know….

Meh. My mom is funny sometimes. I’m not stressing over this either way….if he turns, wonderful of course, but if he doesn’t, well, life will go on.


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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June 29, 2006

Maybe you can lure him to turn around with a popsicle. Kids love popsicles…

PS – UTI’s in cats can be fatal because the blockage can rupture. Anyway – cute cute cute baby name, and super-cute ducky picture. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant *crosses fingers* wish us luck = D

June 29, 2006

They’ll still let you deliver a breech baby vaginally if it’s a frank breech presentation, meaning that the baby’s feet are up by his head. It’s a lot easier for them to move through the pelvis that way. But a complete breech presentation is when they’re cross-legged, and doctors fear the risk of the knees getting caught up in the pelvis. Footling breech is considered to be the most dangerous,

June 29, 2006

for reasons I’m a bit unsure about. As for your delivery, they don’t really like to deliver premature babies who are breech vaginally because at that point, the head is still large enough in comparison to the rest of the body that there’s a risk of getting stuck. The same risk applies to full-term, but the body is a little more proportionate even a few weeks later.

lol poor thing… I would say dont worry about it quite yet.. you dont really need elevated levels of stress during your pregnancy… ultimatly… your child is up to you… so… too bad for what anyone else says… what you say goes..

He will turn….all my babies were late to turn, Noah still has plenty of room in there.

June 30, 2006

conner already had both of his feet through my vagina and they still went in and did an emergency csection!!! they know now that it is too dangerous to deliver breech babies!