My boy. (p)

Some pictures from this past weekend at Mom’s…

Watching the race on Sunday….

Nap time!

Chillin’ on some pumpkins…

Being a ham…

The picture of pure innocence.


This was after our walk on Wednesday…look mama, I’m gangsta!


I took this on our drive up to Mom’s while we were sitting in traffic on I-77. Turned out pretty good for me just pointing the camera out the window, huh?


And just so there’s no doubt that Noah is most definitely my child….I present to you….baby pictures of me.

Sorry this one is so bright…

And, just because I like this picture…


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October 27, 2006

Those pics are so precious! And wow he does look like you! I love the Nascar pacifier!

October 27, 2006

I love those pictures of him sleeping, they are priceless.

October 27, 2006

Just saw your entry on the front page … what a cutie you have. 🙂

October 27, 2006

The resemblence is almost like he came out of you! *wink* He looks just like you did!

October 27, 2006

He’s still such a new baby. How adorable. :o)

October 27, 2006

How cute!!!! =)

October 27, 2006

Oh yes, he is without a doubt your child. 🙂 So cute! I love the pic of him in the suit. We bought that same suit for Troy so my SIL could take him to church in it. 🙂

October 27, 2006

WOW I cannot believe how much you 2 look alike…that is amazing!

October 27, 2006

i love love love the ham pic!! he is just soooo cute!

October 27, 2006

He is such a cutie! I love the picture of him in his little suit, to cute!!! And you are right he looks just like you did as a baby!! Still jealous that he has all that hair!! lol

October 28, 2006


October 28, 2006

He is so cute! You do look a lot alike! 🙂