Mushy stuff

Alrighty, I promised y’all a mushy little entry, so here it is.

As you can see (and as most of you know anyway), today is our third anniversary. And just like the year before, I had my doubts over the past year as to whether or not we’d make it to this point – but I know that we’re still working out the kinks, and that a lot of married couples feel that way in the early years of their marriage.

But this anniversary is really special to me, more so than any other has been or will be.


This will be the first anniversary that we’ll get to spend any part of together. As a recap, the first one, he was supposed to come back from Iraq that day, which would have been fabulous, but we were hit with an ice sorm, and they had other delays as well, so they ended up being flown into Charleston and then bussed up the next day. And last year, he was back in Iraq for the first elections.

And of course, knowing that our little family is growing now makes occasions like these all the more special.


And, the much anticpated (by me, at least!) 100th episode of Smallville is on tonight 🙂


Seriously though, there’s not much else I can say. You guys all know how much I love my husband, despite the little things here and there that annoy me to no end. Again, I am absolutely thrilled that he will finally be home for an anniversary, and since this is the first one we’ll spend together, it will always stand out in my mind, even if we don’t do anything super special for it. And knowing that our child, created out of our love for each other, is growing inside of me, just makes it all that much more meaningful for me, as well. Especially knowing that said child was conceived on or around the first Christmas we ever spent together.


Ok, so this wasn’t as mushy as I envisioned it, but…..sometimes, there are things that you just can’t put into words. There are just some things that are meant to be private thoughts and feelings.



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January 26, 2006

I’m so glad to hear that you get to spend your anniversary together. The Hopeless-romanticness in me is sad that you didn’t get to before this. I hope you enjoy it and you should go and do something special. I blew a kiss to your tummy. 🙂

January 26, 2006

RYN: No problem

January 26, 2006

I was thinking about you today. I am so glad you two finally get to spend your anniversary together! 🙂

January 26, 2006

happy anniversary!

January 26, 2006

happy anniversary! doodlebug is the cutest word ever ‡x‡

January 26, 2006

Aww, that really was sweet! I’m super excited for. Being a Military wife can really be hard but faith and being strong is what it’s all about! Happy Anniversary!!