Much too hot.

I am SO sick of this heat!!

Thankfully, it should be cooling off some in the next few days.


Anyway. Yesterday was a lot of fun. We had a date day, which we haven’t done in SUCH a long time. It was good for us, especially since we won’t have many opportunities to go out as just the two of us for much longer.

We started with brunch at IHOP. Then we went and saw Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. WE thought it was pretty funny, even if some of the reviews we’ve read have been not so kind to it. I won’t spoil anything for those of you that are planning on seeing it, though.

After that, we drove around for awhile….we had a destination in mind, but we got a little sidetracked because some big storms came through and were causing traffic problems, so we took some detours. Finally made it to our destination – the police supply store, so Jake could get this little quick reference guide thing. It’s got a bunch of things that cops commonly arrest people for, or hand out citations/warnings for. I was flipping through it while we were driving, and let me tell you, some of the things you can get in trouble for are absolutely ridiculous.

After that, we went bowling. Yes, I actually went bowling with him! I only bowled one game though, because my pelvic bone was really starting to bother me, and I was getting some Braxton Hicks as well. Turns out that it’s a good thing I only bowled one game, because my thumb is hurting today….can’t imagine what it’d feel like if I had bowled any more! I sucked, like always, though I did manage to get a strike the very first frame! Which was immediately followed by two gutter balls, lol. But I actually had fun, and that’s all Jake asks for.

In house buying news….the woman from my mommies forum has said that her company can do 100% financing for us, no problem. Very decent rates, too. Yes, rates as in plural. When they do 100% financing like that, they’ll usually break it into two loans. No big deal, we can always refinance it into one loan later. That’s what both my mom and brother have done with their houses. Anyway, I still plan on asking around a little more, simply because we might find an even better rate elsewhere. And we need to find a house, lol. There was one house we found that was only like, $85K….I was amazed, because it’s in a nice neighborhood, and it’s a nice big house, two stories even. But alas, it’s already under contract. Dangit. Believe me folks, it is NOT easy finding a nice house that’s not what I call a Cracker Jack box house (meaning, really small) in a nice neighborhood for these prices. Most homes around here with what we want are way out of our price range. But new houses go on the market every day, so we’ll just have to keep looking.

Oh, and since someone asked, yes, we have been looking outside of the Charlotte city limits, but we also want to stay relatively close to his station so we’re not having to pay an arm and a leg in gas. Wait….we already do pay an arm and a leg in gas! Seriously though, commute time for him is a big factor.

Have I mentioned how ready I am to pop this kid out? I cannot walk without waddling anymore. I can’t sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time because a) I am constantly having to get up to go to the bathroom, and b) the pain in my pelvic bone/hips/back/sciatic nerve/knees is getting ridiculous. *sigh*….just a few more weeks. That’s my mantra now.

That’s about it for me for now. Hope everyone else is having a good day, and I hope you’re all staying cool!


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August 8, 2006

It’s almost over 🙂

August 8, 2006

Aw, your waddle must be so cute!

August 8, 2006

~Random~ Wanted to stop and say hi. I, too, live in NC and can’t wait for it to cool off here. Congrats. It is funny because when I was pregnant, I found out on the 17th of January as well and my due date was in September, but she came a month early. She will be 2 on the 11th of this month.

August 8, 2006

I know how you feel! I am definitely ready too.

August 8, 2006

You’ll find something and be all set.It takes forever to find something it seems but you are right, new houses come on the market every day and the more brand new houses being built in your area the more competition older homes have to sell for lower. The biggest thing is if you still want to transfer or not. You guys can get a VA loan and put no payment down or they have tons of first time home owner loan deals. Another important thing is don’t rule out houses/neighborhoods until you know for sure they are out of your price range. We drove by our house and I told Joe no way is this in our price range and sure enough, it was. Sometimes you’ll be surprised. Your best bet usually is the new stuff coming on the market each day, the houses that have been on the market (especially in a good market) 10+ days may not be worth your time to look at b/c something major is wrong with them (like sitting off the hwy or whatever.)

August 8, 2006

Also as you start looking agree on what’s most important. We HAD to have a backyard, prefered it to be fenced, it couldn’t be a giant hill crazy yard either. Location as far as short drive to highways and shopping and restaurants and schools. Joe liked 1.5 or 2 stories, I like ranches. Joe wanted a fireplace, we don’t have one, but the little stuff like that can save you a lot of time looking at houses if you both know and agree on what you want. We looked at like 800 houses it seemed like.

August 8, 2006

I really wanna see that Ricky Bobby movie. It looks so funny.

August 8, 2006
August 8, 2006

I’m with you and Cass! 😉