Mini rant *

You want to know something I really hate?

Parking lots.

Well, to be more specific, the Wal Mart parking lot, as that is where I most commonly see this.

I hate the people that will drive up and down the rows, looking for the closest parking spot possible.

I especially hate it when they will just sit there, blocking any cars behind them (and also blocking people that may be trying to get out of their parking spot), because someone that is parked close to the entrance has come out of the store and is loading up their car.

By the time these people find a spot that suits them, or by the time the person they’re waiting on actually leaves, these people could have parked their cars elsewhere and been in the freaking store already.

If my 32 weeks pregnant self can waddle into the store from the back of the fucking parking lot, so can these people. They have no fucking excuse for their laziness, other than that – pure laziness.


You know what I think? More stores should have reserved spots for expectant/new mothers. But. People already take advantage of those spots – the few stores that I have seen with those spots, I’ve seen men that have been all by themselves take these spots. So they should implement some sort of system similar to what they do for handicapped folks – a pregnant woman should be able to go to the DMV and get a special placard for her vehicle in order to utilize these spots. And she would have to surrender the placard at a certain time, say, when her child is three months old. In order to be eligible, the woman would have to submit paperwork from her doctor, stating that she is indeed pregnant, and the paperwork would have to state her due date. And if she didn’t surrender the placard by three months after her due date, she’d get a fine.

Of course, nothing like this will ever happen. It’s a nice thought, though.

But as an alternative, I just glare at people that are rude like the above examples. Not that that accomplishes anything, but it makes me feel a little better.



oh god, you are kidding me?? that is just stupid!! don’t use pregnancy as an excuse Jen, OH, I mean Stace…..come on, grow the f*ck up….women have kids every day, you are not the first nor will you be the last!!!!! god……you can walk just as well as anyone else….don’t PUSS OUT!!!!!! [sgrandmaison]


Well, Stacie… obviously missed the whole point of this entry.

Yes, I can walk just as well as anyone else…..most of the time. However, walking has been extremely difficult for me lately. But you obviously missed the part where I said that if my happy ass can walk from the back of the parking lot, so can these lazy fucks.

I have NEVER used one of the expectant mother parking spots. Probably never would unless I was having a really painful day, but if I was in that much pain, I wouldn’t be at the store to begin with.


And you’re a fine one to talk about pussing out. How many times did you swear up and down that you would never go to signed notes only, that you’d never go Favorites Only? And what is your diary set to now? Oh, yeah, Faves Only. And how convenient, that I’m not on your Favorites list and instead have to waste space in my own diary responding to this.


I suggest you reread this entry. I’m not the one pussing out here.



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July 25, 2006

ugh i hate people that HAVE to have close spots too, that take handicap spots and pregnant spots JUST to be close…i just find a spot and park, regardless of how far it is bc it’s a waste of time to sit there driving around waiting for a close spot, who the hell cares where you park, unless it’s raining…and even then, get over it!!

July 25, 2006

I hate when non pregos use those spots too.

July 25, 2006

The Wal-Mart we shop at most often doesn’t have expectant mother parking.. but the other one we go to which is just a basic Wal-Mart does. It’s nice to have. A lady I work with says she disagrees with them having spots for expectant mothers. Piss on her! LOL.

July 25, 2006

Shit like this is the reason everyone thinks we’re fat and lazy! People should take the walk as a chance to get some much needed exercise and fresh air! I couldn’t agree with you more about the pregnant/expecting mother spot. It’s insane to expect a woman who’s eight months pregnant to walk from the back of the lot to the store in 100 degree heat!!

July 25, 2006

That’s a good idea. I’ve seen some places with places for expenctant mothers (namely Babies R Us, go figure), but not nearly enough…

July 25, 2006

I felt the same way when i was pregnant. I always new when i saw full expectant mothers parking that it was probably not a pregnant woman. I wouldn’t even use them until i was really far along. And I didn’t use the new mother ones after connor was born.

July 25, 2006

oh god, you are kidding me?? that is just stupid!! don’t use pregnancy as an excuse Jen, OH, I mean Stace…..come on, grow the f*ck up….women have kids every day, you are not the first nor will you be the last!!!!! god……you can walk just as well as anyone else….don’t PUSS OUT!!!!!!

July 25, 2006

What a beast. I actually saw someone park in one of those spots and I told them to move, that it wasn’t just a suggestion and that they had legs, and to use them. The kicker? There were two spots next to each other, one was “maternity” and the other was plain old parking…but the maternity one was ONE spot closer! INSANITY!

July 25, 2006

What the f*ck ever! I think we should get spots… its freakin’ hot as hell outside and my feet are swollen to the size of watermelons… I want my own damn spot! Screw whoever that was… I want a damn spot!

July 25, 2006

call the WAAAAAAMBULANCE!!!!!!!!!! YOU were the one that was leaving unsigned notes on MY diary!! so, F*ck YOU and you pregnant ass!!!!!!!!!! BITCH!! Call Jen, I am sure she can console YOU!!!!!!!

July 25, 2006

I agree with you. What a bitch. It always makes me roll my eyes seeing special parking spots for high ranking people on bases. Like they are so super special. They already get paid a hell of a lot more, they probably need the walking exercise the most. Ahh I love being free of the military.

July 25, 2006

Wow what a psycho bitch

July 26, 2006

Where to people get off thinking they can spew their nasty opinions on any topic they might not agree with? I agree with the parking thing myself. Wal Mart parking can be a nightmare.

July 26, 2006

The Wal-Mart thing that really pisses me off is that people don’t want to walk 10 extra steps to the cart return. Instead, they just leave them all over the parking lot. In Monroe (near Charlotte) where I live, it gets so bad that 40 carts will get left in 5-6 parking spaces and then no one can park there. I saw a cart left behind a random parked car the other day. The person couldn’t leave!

July 26, 2006

I can’t believe she is still causing grief. Some people really can’t let it go. ~Kaci

July 26, 2006

I got a weird note on my diary from her. Something to the effect of not dealing with weak women. I don’t know… she makes no damn sense anymore.

July 26, 2006

I hate people who take handicap spots.. grrrr. If I see someone take it who’s not handicaped I usually say something and cuss them out or so. lol.

Woah. Had .no. idea you and Cass weren’t friends with her anymore.

I’ts fuck, Stacie. If you’re going to attempt using the word in notes, please learn how to actually write it in OD. You know what bugs me, Stace? Exclamation points like this: !!!!!!!!!!!!! As if you couldn’t get the point with the first one. People have to go in and add eight more. For fuck’s sake. .eyeroll.

And don’t you know that my note, especially since it’s me leaving it, is going to bug the shit out of her. LOL.