
So….both of the mommies who offered up the services of their husbands for my car troubles? Their husbands decided that they weren’t comfortable doing it after all, as neither has worked on a Ford Focus before…..which made one of them, Jamie, nervous, as she also has a 2003 Focus. That’s alright, though. We dropped it off with one of the dealerships. I know a lot of people don’t like to do that, but they’ve done good work for me before, and I made the guy give me an estimate and it’s about what I would have expected to pay anywhere else. So now we’re renting an Expedition. Kind of sucks because I needed to go grocery shopping tomorrow and I really don’t feel comfortable driving huge vehicles like that, especially with the way people drive out here. But no biggie, we got Taco Bell for dinner for tonight, and I’ve got stuff to make dinner for tomorrow, and we should have the car back on Monday so I’ll just go then.

I have a question for those of you of faith. Well, a few questions, really. Could any of you recommend some good books for someone just starting out on a spiritual path? How about some good spiritual books specifically for women? Good devotionals? Would you recommend any of the Bibles that are specifically for women? How about study Bibles? I was looking at all of those sorts of books today when we took a trip to the bookstore, but I was a little overwhelmed with all of the choices, especially seeing all of the different versions of the Bible that they have out now.

Anyway, race is about to start. Go Kasey! He’s been disappointing me all season, but he won the Busch race last night, and is starting first tonight, so I have high hopes for him.









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August 26, 2007

I don’t like driving big vehicles either. I am always scared to drive my dads truck, just makes me nervous. I’m not really that spiritual but maybe try google, you can find everything on there!

August 26, 2007

Driving big cars scares me. I hate it. I’m sorry they retracted their offers. They shouldn’t have offered in the first place, I think. RYN- SHe’s 11 weeks on Tuesday!

Lol.. big cars scare me too.. I usually sing a song… “Little Kimmie.. in big ole truck” …. (from tommy boy.. but about a coat)

August 27, 2007
August 27, 2007

ryn: yeah i really think we should! i know we’ve said it in the past but we really should!! what days/times are good for you?

August 27, 2007

RYN: Do you know how many they get? If I remember correctly, she got 4 at her last one and then the oral dose of the rotavirus. I hope it’s not anymore than 4. I just know she is going to freak out now that she is fully mobile.

August 27, 2007

ryn: yeah i’m pretty much open too since we never do anything lol. unfortunately my most open day is thursday…but then there’s days that matt just randomly decides to do something so i have no prior notice to make plans. where would be a good place for us to meet up? i’m trying to think what would be halfway – it’s a pretty big haul for either one of us i think. the weekends might be the best bet for us.

August 27, 2007

ryn: yes parking does suck! in fact i pretty much refuse to drive uptown because the one way streets confuse the heck out of me!! lol. and actually…i used to live near university/northlake and now i’m a few minutes away from concord! even farther north! we’re about 10 minutes from the track. soo yeah. but, i don’t mind driving a little farther as long as it means no uptown lol. maybe we could switch off meeting grounds or something to simplify things – maybe you could come to northlake one time, and then i could go to carolina mall the next. something like that. i’m open to ideas! 🙂

Hello, I’m a long time reader of ::Karma:: (Michelle) and I’m not sure how long you’ve read her or how close you consider you all to be, but I am trying to pull something together to help her out a little. If everyone could pitch in just a little bit, only what they could afford, I think that we could really help her out! God knows she needs & deserves it! Please let me know asap! You canjust note my latest entry back, but please make it a private note.

August 29, 2007

I have a bible in nearly every version. Last year, B bought me Nelson’s Bride’s Bible (NCV). I really like it. And, I have this too.. I love it.

August 29, 2007

Oh- and Look through some Women’s Devotional Bibles- because they have devotionals throughout the bible.

Randomed in through [SimplyCass]… I’m a Christian (a pastor’s wife, actually, lol), and I have a Women of Faith Devotional Bible, which I love. It’s the New King James version, which makes it easy to read, and it has devotionals all through it. As far as books, I am a huge fan of Max Lucado–I haven’t read any of his recent stuff, but the books I have read have been excellent. AndThe Purpose-Driven Life is great too–even though it’s become hugely popular and mainstream, it really makes some good points. There’s a whole series of books called The Power of a Praying [Parent/Husband/Wife/etc.] which are also good. Oh, and stuff by Bruce Wilkinson–The Prayer of Jabez, Secrets of the Vine, A Life God Rewards. Hope that helps!