
I’m still alive.

We ended up not having internet access out in Jacksonville…we stayed at Granny’s and kinda messed up Daddy’s computer, anyway. Long story.

It’s late, and I’m not in the mood to get into everything right now, but let’s just say that you haven’t met crazy until you’ve met Daddy and Brandi. And I DON’T mean that in a good way.

The man is fucking insane and he is not getting anywhere near my son until he sobers up and stops acting like a fucking idiot.

I’ll try to explain what’s going on soon. But for now….I hope everyone else has had a better start to the new year.


Oh, and just a small Noah update – he’s scooting around a little, is doing mini pushups like a champ, and can sit up all by himself for a few seconds at a time now! My little man is growing  up way too fast.


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January 1, 2007

Boo crazy people. Yay mini push ups!

January 1, 2007

Perhaps we should introduce “Daddy” to Rollie’s mom. Then we can just go on our merry way and leave them in the dust together!

January 1, 2007

OMG! Scooting already?! Geez they grow so fast.

January 1, 2007

Mmm, crazy. Yum. Hey, do you guys have plans on Saturday? J.W.’s off and I was thinking that maybe we could take a drive out to Charlotte.

January 1, 2007

happy new year

January 2, 2007
January 2, 2007

Yay for Noah! Addison scoots all over the place. It won’t be too much longer before the baby gates will go up. 🙁