Makin’ a list…*

…and putting it here so I CAN check it twice.

  • laundry – finish washing whites, do a load of colors so I can wash Noah’s swaddle blanket and the cover to the Boppy pillow. Start washing towels if I have time.
  • dishes
  • pick up living room
  • re-tape window so it doesn’t fall down while I’m driving
  • get trash out of car
  • put presents in car
  • pack mine and Noah’s things, put what I won’t need tomorrow in the car
  • hair cut if I have time – NOT gonna happen. Eh, haven’t had a haircut in…7, 8 months? What’s a little longer gonna do, right?
  • gather up good CDs for our trip

I THINK that’s the bare minimum of what I need to accomplish today. Mom’s getting Saturday off, so Noah and I are heading up to her place tomorrow. We may go ahead and go out to Virginia Beach tomorrow night, or we may wait till Saturday morning, we haven’t decided yet.


But before I get to all of that….I made this for my mom (and one for Danny and Marissa…and Jake wants me to do one for his dad, as well), printed them out, and put them in pretty silver frames….very inexpensive, and at least I have SOMETHING to give them all for Christmas.

We made it here! Very nerve racking trip, but we’re here safe and sound!

Though, I am t.i.r.e.d. Little man didn’t go to sleep till 1:30 this morning. *sigh*


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December 21, 2006

so cute merry hoho

December 21, 2006

That is a nice gift. 🙂

December 21, 2006

cute gift! i need a haircut, too…i think my last cut was in march. lol. have a safe trip! xo

December 22, 2006

I need to pay my car registration. but FIVE HUNDRED BUCKAROOS? YIKES!

December 22, 2006

That is a cute idea though. Glad you made it there ok! =)

December 23, 2006