Lunch and doctors *

Aw, Jake just left. He had a two hour lunch break, so he brought some food home for me. And I had literally JUST gotten up when he came in!! Haha, nice timing babe!


I did some more poking around on the website of the office I’m going to today. ALL of the doctors (well, there’s only three, but still) are women, so that’s good. That’s what I wanted.

I most likely WILL be getting an ultrasound today. Under their FAQ section, one of the questions was about how many ultrasounds I can expect. Of course, the total number is totally up to the doctor, but it said they do one at the initial visit, and another at the 20 week point. Which is perfect, because I hit 20 weeks the week before we go to Darlington, so I can tell everyone then what we’re having….assuming the baby cooperates!! So, sticking with that, I should have some pictures for y’all later.

I also checked out the website for the hospital I’ll be delivering at.

Holy. Cow.

They have a whole center just for lactation consultants and stuff.

They have birthing suites, which include a private bathroom with a whirlpool tub; VCRs and stereos; refrigerator; glider rocker; an extra bed for Jake or my mom; and private balconies.

I’m gonna be freaking spoiled. I’m not going to want to leave the damn hospital!! And yes, they do encourage mothers to keep the babies in the room with them, so I won’t have to worry about someone trying to rush the little one off to the nursery unless it’s necessary. Makes me VERY happy.


I’ll be back later to tell y’all about how it goes with the doctor and all. But for now, I need to hop in the shower.

Y’all are gonna have to wait. They called me right after I pulled into the parking lot – the doc had to leave for a delivery. So I’m rescheduled for tomorrow at two.



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March 7, 2006

I was reading in Fit Pregnancy a few months back that Charlotte is rated (by them) as the #8 city in the country to have a baby in! It ranked high on affordability and BF’ing support.

March 7, 2006

Good luck at the Drs appt! 🙂 Gooooooooooooooooooooooo fetus!

March 7, 2006

Sounds awesome!

March 7, 2006

My hospital sounds JUST like yours, I’m so happy about baby being with me at almost all times & the personal room, everything! Yours isn’t by any chance St. Joes is it?? lol I know they’re national hospitals so I wasn’t sure ;o)

March 7, 2006

All hospitals I have heard of have rooming in where the baby stays in the room for the length of the stay. The only time they ever took any of mine out was for the initial trip to the nursery for their clean up and apgar.

wow the place you’ll be giving birth sounds wonderful. I wouldn’t want to leave either. lol *hugs*

March 7, 2006

Ugh! My hospital is nothing like that. Just the normal rooms. In fact I don’t think we have any around here like that. I’m Jealous!! 🙁

March 7, 2006

Ohhhhh THAT sucks!!!