Last ditch effort

I just ordered some domperidone. 

I don’t remember if I’ve really mentioned it here or not, but breastfeeding Maddy has been a huge struggle for me. I’m lucky if I can get two ounces total every hour, and at this point, that simply isn’t enough for her. So, she’s mostly on formula. I’ve tried a number of different things, but to no avail, and quite frankly, it’s got me pretty depressed. 

I really, really hope the domperidone works. I won’t get it for probably two weeks, because I had to order it from New Zealand. But it’s got fewer side effects than Reglan. 

I hate feeling like a failure in this area. I’m already a failure at plenty of other things.


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October 3, 2008

HOW DARE you say that about yourself!! YOU are a WONDERFUL Mother, wife and Person!! you have done more in your time here than most have ever thought of!! Don’t you say that about yourself!! EVER!! I Love You!!

October 3, 2008

Aw, shucks! Don’t think that. Having BFing issues or giving your child formula DOES NOT make you a bad mom. (Although, I understand the feeling… because I’ve been there.) When I had that issue, I ate a lot of oatmeal, drank Mother’s Milk tea, and breastfed every thirty minutes for as long as he would stay latched.. and it came back full. It was a pain in the butt, but got us 5-6 more months!

October 3, 2008

Stace, you are a wonderful Mom. You know how much I struggled with breast feeding with Addison so I can relate to how you feel.

October 4, 2008

Hmmm not being able to breast fee your child like you want to isn’t something you can’t control so therefore is not a failure Cheer up

October 5, 2008

Stace! Not being able to breastfeed is not your fault silly! At least you are trying… Anyway, you are a fabulous mother and you know it! I hope everything gets better sweetie… its just that time of year. Love ya!