la di da….

So, let’s see here…..


Jake passed the state exam!! We don’t know his actual scores yet (there’s three sections that are scored individually), but Sgt Hammett knows the guy that scores the tests pretty well, and was able to get him to email him with a pass/fail list. They should have their actual scores soon though.

He also got his division assignment. It’s funny…..he’s the second youngest guy in the class, right? Well, he and the youngest guy, Gonzora, are both going to South division. Why is that funny? Because South division is referred to as the retirement division…..bunch of old timers there. But. South division is also one of the divisions with the lowest crime rate, and it’s the division that we live just outside of, so he doesn’t have to travel very far to get to work.

He’s still thinking about transferring to Fayetteville, but we found out last night that he can’t do that until next year, when his probation period is up. So I’m still looking for a cheaper place to rent out here….any money we can save is a good thing in my book. It depends on what I can find, though….seeing as how we’d have to pay deposits and such to move. Then again, our place is under new management, so there’s a possibility of them raising rents, in which case, there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about us moving.

Had my 30 week appointment yesterday. I’m still doing good with my weight gain, I’ve gained 2 more pounds in the past two weeks, which isn’t surprising because I’ve been eating like a pig. Oink oink. The good news is that Noah’s head is now below my belly button, though it’s still not quite where it needs to be. I’m a little upset with Dr. Cannon, though…..first of all, because I sat in the exam room for half an hour before she came in, and I was bored to tears, and secondly, when I tried to talk to her about the pain I’ve been having, she just immediately said it was round ligament pain, without asking me for more details or anything. If for some reason we end up staying out here, I will definitely be finding a new OB next time around.

Other than that….I’ll be doing a lot of work to my website throughout the day. I have some great new affiliate links to add – I’ve been scouring the website I use to sign up for the affiliate programs, looking for programs that don’t require anyone to make a purchase.

That’s about it for me…..nothing super exciting happening here!!


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July 13, 2006

Ugh. I hate it when doctors just blow off your concerns like that. Is she the only one in her practice? Could you possibly get another opinion if there are other doctors in the practice? My friend from Baby Center who had that used a support belt and said that it did help with some of the pain. Maybe you could try one. Congrats to Jake! I knew he’d pass.

July 13, 2006

Congratulations to Jake! I hope that y’all are able to find a cheaper place soon.

CONGRATS to Jake….. and I would be a little ticked at the doctor too.. your supposed to be able to talk and ask questions.. she acted like you were taking up her time… pssh. Glad that they are doing good. When it gets closer.. the RN’s can actually do stuff to get him to turn… but… Love ya! And.. all that good stuff.. heheehe

July 13, 2006

Congrats! That’s awesome he’ll be in a low crime area. Good luck finding a cheaper place, that’s tough.

July 13, 2006

Congratulations Jake! 🙂

July 13, 2006

i hate ehn drs are like that

July 13, 2006

that would be great if you guys came back here!!!

July 13, 2006

Congrats to Jake! That’s great news. 🙂

July 13, 2006