Just….wow. *

First off, thanks to all of you for your good wishes! You guys have been here for me every step of the way, and I know that you KNOW how badly I’ve wanted this.

And now, here I am, and I can’t hardly believe it. I mean, other than a few cramps and the sore boobs, I don’t feel any different. Though sometimes I get scared, because those cramps become kinda painful, but they don’t stay that way for very long, so I think I’ll be ok. And, ok, I’ve been sleeping a lot more.

Sucky thing is, is I probably won’t be able to go to a doctor until the end of next month unless we pay for the visit ourselves…his insurance should cover me, but I don’t think it’ll kick in immediately.

I WAS going to wait to tell y’all, because I was going to wait and tell Jake next week on our anniversary, but I just couldn’t keep it bottled up. I went out shopping yesterday and bought a couple of books for daddys-to-be, and a box of the digital pregnancy tests, and when I got home, he just happened to be leaving to go running…..so packaged up the books, took one of the tests (I figured it’d get the message across a lot better than the normal tests) , and then threw that test into the bag……I didn’t want the display to disappear, so I ambushed him as soon as he got home. He pulled out the books and just assumed I was playing a joke on him….then he pulled out the test and asked "Are you serious?" Well, yes, dear, it’s kinda hard to fake those things…..He didn’t say much at first, but then again, he was out of breath from running and all…..but he’s been a lot more enthusiastic ever since, even telling his buddies on his MUD game that he’s gonna be a daddy.


Of course, my mom and grandma are super excited. Mom’s even planning on trying to work out her schedule so she can take time off for when the baby is born. I tried to call my dad to tell him, but his phone is shut off again….no big surprise there. I’m not exactly sure what Daddy’s reaction was, though Jake did say that Daddy said Dawn would be real excited. JR didn’t believe him at first, and Louisa says I need to have a girl ’cause she’s got enough nephews already. I haven’t got ahold of my brother yet to tell him, but I know Marissa will be excited.


And of course, I love the fact that I get to experience this with some of my favorite people. Sure, Danielle, Amber, and Ally are quite a bit ahead of me, but Cassie and I are only a couple of weeks apart…….

And unless Jake’s boys were swimming around for a couple of days, I know exactly when this baby was conceived: in the very early morning hours of Christmas Day. Who could ask for a better gift than that?


Oh, geez, I’m about to start bawling…..I just can’t believe it. I’m finally going to be a Mommy.


P.S. The little person has temporarily been christened Doodlebug, but I’m open to other suggestions.




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  How your baby’s growing: Deep in your uterus your embryo is growing at a furious pace. At this point he’s about the size of a sesame seed, and he looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. He’s now made up of three layers — the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm — that will later form his organs and tissues. The cells are forming for his major organs, including his kidneys and liver, and his neural tube is beginning to develop. This neural tube — from which your baby’s brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone will sprout — develops in the top layer, called the ectoderm. This layer will also give rise to his skin, hair, nails, mammary and sweat glands, and tooth enamel. His heart and circulatory system begin to form in the middle layer, or mesoderm. (This week, in fact, his tiny heart begins to divide into chambers and beat and pump blood.) The mesoderm will also form your baby’s muscles, cartilage, bone, and subcutaneous (under skin) tissue. The third layer, or endoderm, will house his lungs, intestines, and rudimentary urinary system, as well as his thyroid, liver, and pancreas. In the meantime, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which deliver nourishment and oxygen to your baby, are already on the job.

* Note: Experts say every baby develops differently — even in the womb. This developmental information is designed to give you a general idea of how your baby is growing.

How your life’s changing: Pregnancy symptoms may surface this week if they haven’t already. If you’re like most women, you’ll notice nausea (and not just in the morning), sore breasts, fatigue, and frequent urination. All are normal, all are annoying, but the upside is that they’re all a part of being pregnant and won’t last forever. The outside world won’t see any sign of the dramatic developments taking place inside you — except maybe that you’re turning down that glass of wine with dinner. It’s a good idea to avoid alcohol throughout your pregnancy since no one knows exactly how much — or how little — alcohol can harm a developing baby.

You’ll also want to continue or start an exercise routine. Exercise helps you develop good muscle tone, strength, and endurance; plus, it helps you manage the extra weight you’ll be carrying and get ready for the physical rigors of labor. You’ll also find that bouncing back after you give birth will be easier if you’ve already established a workout routine. Choose a safe, moderately vigorous activity you like (walking and swimming are fine choices for pregnant women) and check in with other moms-to-be in our exercise and nutrition chat.

Dads, there are plenty of ways to participate in your partner’s pregnancy — even t

his early in the game. Click here for great tips on getting involved.

Pregnancy tip: Easing breast pain "I found out I was pregnant and boom — my breasts got really tender right away. So I started wearing my sports bra all the time. It really helped ease my discomfort." — Jennifer


Oh yeah…..I took some pictures last night. Excuse my fatness. And the stretch marks. Yuck.





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January 18, 2006

eeek! 🙂 Damn, I wish I was on the OD prego train. Darn it all. I’ll be TTC right after all your babies are born. Poo 🙁 Do you think if I told him that all my friends are doin it… 😉 Congrats again!

I’m so happy for you. I knew it would happen soon though.

January 18, 2006

There’s something in the OD waters, I tell ya! Craig is home on leave in a month or so, so I’d better be careful, eh? 😉 Congrats again! 🙂

hahaha i agree..something in the OD water…maybe i better stay away! (i’m not even dating anyone! lol). 🙂 I think Doodlebug is a FABULOUS name:) :):):):):) Man, you made MY day yesterday when i read that.:) I’d been hoping and praying that something good would come along and sweep you off your feet:) 🙂 AND NOW IT HAS!!:) ANd how awesome taht you and Cassie are together!!:)HOORAY!

January 18, 2006

I’m so happy for you!!! I know how much you’ve wanted this and for how long! You guys are going to be wonderful parents!!!

January 18, 2006

I am so honored to be sharing this with you. hehe. I just knew you were. When you IM’d me the other night and we were talking about it. I knew it! 😀 I am SO happy.

January 18, 2006

congrats sweety, so excited for you!

January 18, 2006
January 18, 2006

I really am so glad you finally had it happen :o) I’m only at 4 1/2 months so not TOO far ahead of you…& sadly enough, I haven’t even gotten to go to the Dr. yet…..Feb. 3 will be my first appt. But hopefully I’ll be able to find out the sex then too! Again, CONGRATULATIONS, I really am so happy for you, you’re going to be such a cute preggo!