Just some thoughts….

I really hate being broke. It will be such a sigh of relief when we get that VA money….because then the truck will be paid off, and money won’t be so damn tight. And he’ll be getting raises next month, so that’ll help, too. I honestly can’t understand how they expect these guys to support their families on $33,000 a year, though. Especially out here, everything is so darn expensive. Heck, even gas is about ten cents more for us than the state average.

I haven’t given up on the idea of moving, either. If I can find a house or a townhouse that’s cheaper than this place, that’s not in the ghetto, then Jake just might finally cave in. He refuses to live in an apartment. I’m not overly fond of them either, but dammit, if that’s what we have to do to save money, then we need to just suck it up. I don’t really want to move again, but I hate being so stressed about money. I hate that the AC in this place doesn’t do anything for the second floor unless the doors are closed. I hate that all of the electrical outlets are loose as hell, and if you just barely move a cord, it becomes loose enough in the socket to make that gadget not work. I hate that I have nowhere else to put the litter box, because I don’t want it in the same room as Noah. But there’s no room for it in the upstairs bathroom, and I can’t put it in the half bath downstairs, because we can’t leave that door open, since it opens out, not in. I hate that I have to use my key to lock my back door from the inside, especially seeing as how that’s the door we always use (parking lot is in the back). I hate that the stupid maintenance man put the new air conditioner RIGHT IN FRONT OF the back door, because now we have to walk around it. I hate that getting into most of the closets takes an act of God.

Suffice it to say, I’m not overly fond of this place. Even with all of the annoyances we had, I liked our apartment in Fayetteville a lot better.

I hate that no one ever uses my affiliate links on my website. That could be some really easy extra cash. I even took the time to make Word documents spelling out exactly what folks have to do. *sigh*……

I hate that money pretty much does make the world go ’round. I find it pretty ironic that it costs so much just to survive and get around these days. I mean, goodness, milk is $5 a gallon now. FIVE DOLLARS for a gallon of milk that’ll be gone in a week! That’s a major reason why we’re going to be getting a Sam’s Club membership again – I can get milk there for half that price. Not to mention all of the other things I can save tons of money on that we buy regularly.

Anyway. Sorry to complain, but it’s not like I have any other outlets for my rants.

On the bright side of things, just two more weeks till my next appointment…..and just a little over 13 weeks until my precious baby boy is here.


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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June 14, 2006

I don’t blame you. I hate whoever invented money. LOL

June 14, 2006

*HUG* Ahhh.. Money… the root of all poop

June 14, 2006

Good luck finding a new place. It sounds like a move might be a really good thing, especially since the maintenace people sound like they SUCK. *hugs*

June 14, 2006

I wish Josh were making $33,000 a year. He’s only making $18,000, and I only make $100/week. I agree, money sucks. I don’t think the cost of living is as high here as it is out there, but we’re barely scraping by on Josh’s measly paychecks.

June 14, 2006

Money sucks when your a college student! Im going for my bachelor degree in criminal justice and by time Im done, i’ll be about $20 grand in debt. Also, before fall comes, I need to buy a car. Im looking for a used Grand Prix with fairly low miles. Ne ways, Im living paycheck to paycheck and it sucks! Amm

Things will look up eventually. Give it time. And I know if I could make it here on my own years ago when I first started in this business in Charleston on that salary, you guys can do it too. (Good parts of Charleston are just as expensive and more.) Keep your chin up & hang in there. You’re so completely blessed in so many ways. Try to remember that.

RYN: No doubt. I’ve been there.

June 15, 2006

Yup, money sucks big time. I’m still working on the tree growing thing and as soon as I make it work, y’all will be the first to know!

June 15, 2006

I know what you mean.. I wont get paid till next Tuesday and til then I only have 6€ left (seriously..) and already owe 70€ to the bank. Ugh!

June 15, 2006

$5 a gallon!! I must be spoiled living in Wisconsin…

Random noter that came in off the boards. $5 for milk in Charlotte? Yeesh, I only left a year and a half ago and it wasn’t that bad then! Are you shopping Harris Teeter? They are rip off artists. Congrats on the pregnancy!