Just some stuff…

I’m feeling so much better now than I have the past couple of weeks. I’ve been stressing out a lot, what with not even SEEING Noah’s heartbeat at my last appointment….I still find it very odd that Dr. Paige didn’t even check, but then again, she was kind of rude to me in general. I didn’t like her nearly as much as I like Dr. Cannon….anyway, I’m fairly certain that I felt Noah moving last night, so that’s a big sigh of relief.

Jake and I decided to hold off on buying the bouncer….not saying that we won’t get one at all, but we want to wait and see what our family members are planning on getting, if they plan on buying anything at all…..well, I know my mom’s not done buying stuff, but his family, I have no clue. I keep telling my mom to look at our registries though, because she keeps buying random stuff….and while I appreciate her buying anything at all, I’d prefer her to stick to the registries for a couple of reasons: one, her taste and mine vary greatly, and two, we don’t have the room for a bunch of random stuff. Heck, I just now tonight added some little toys to the one of the registries. Most everything on there is furniture type stuff, like the pack n play and what have you, and clothes and blankets, stuff we’ll need lots of.

But anyway. I spent the gift certificate tonight…..but, you’ll just have to wait till next week to see what all I got!!!


I did a little work to my website last night. Made a special page for Noah stuff…..there’s not a normal link anywhere on the site (there is a link, but it’s hidden)…..but if y’all would like to check it out, you can go directly to the page by clicking this link: http://monkeystace.com/noah.htm

SO glad that Elliott was voted off of American Idol. About freaking time. Much as I love Katharine, I think Taylor’s gonna win it. That’s cool, though, ’cause Taylor cracks me up. And I think he’s got a spectacular voice…..he sounds so much like so many of the greats at times, it’s astounding. And at the same time, he’s got a voice all his own.

And…..yeah. That’s about all I’ve got. I was feeling kind of off today, so I didn’t get to do a lot of the things I wanted to get done, so tomorrow will be a busy, busy day.

Hope everyone else is having a good week!!



Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.

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May 18, 2006

UGH! I am just not a Taylor fan… I’m really dissapointed in Idol this year. But anyway, glad you got to spend your gift certificates… I’m excited to see what you got with them!

May 18, 2006

Hmm, nope. Not havign much of a good week at all.

May 18, 2006

ryn: LOL Well thanks for the thought, that means a lot. & ya know what, not ONE neighbor has offered to help me & I doubt they would if there were 2 of us preggos out here haha What wonderful people there are in the world today huh?

May 18, 2006

I love your website. I keep seeing cute little bitty baby clothes that are perfect (like with little cars and stuff like that) but they only have them in little bitty sizes and I am quite sure you will already have more itty bitty baby clothes then you’ll need-they grow so fast at that stage. I will definitely get you a bouncy seat if someone doesn’t beat me to it. and you can so borrow my shirt.

I got to your last entry on random. When I saw this entry I went to your Noah page and about died when it said you conceived Noah on Christmas day. I conceived my Noah on Christmas day, he was born Sept 16, 2005! I just thought that was so funny!