Just some….stuff.

It’s crazy how insightful I can be sometimes…..


I was messing around on MySpace the other day and finally noticed that Jake had written a new blog a couple of weeks ago (I hardly ever check because this is only even his third entry!). It was written on the third….


The month of January was pretty lame up until the end of the month.

On January 18, 2006, My life changed drastically.  My wife and I found out we were going to be parents.  Yep, Im going to be a daddy.  Not sure how I feel about that even to this day.  Probably because of what happened on the following Monday, which has kept my time occupied.

On Monday Jan 23rd, I started the Police Academy in Charlotte.  Ive been at this for a couple of weeks now… (2), and so far everything is going pretty good, im feeling pretty confident about it all.  I don’t really have much more than that to say right now.

I just figured I would throw a few things out there, I don’t really have any thoughts on how to elaborate what i’ve said, cause things have been going so fast.  Maybe I’ll keep posting more often and talk in more detail or something, I dunno.

Ok, first of all, I found out on the 17th…..turd. But anyway, if you’ll remember, it was right around that time that I really started getting upset about him not showing any sort of emotion about this, and it was the following night that we talked and I had my big sobfest. Funny how those things work out, huh?


Anyway, last night (and by that I mean Tuesday night, since it is now Thursday morning, so *technically* last night would be Wednesday…..but y’all know what i mean, dangit!!!) we started discussing names…..and I was getting so mad at him!! I was actually trying to be serious, and he kept throwing out goofy names like Geraldine and Kevin Harvick M********. What a weirdo. Anyway, I’ve been going through a website with baby names and copying the lists into a Word document, and then deleting the names that I don’t like, and when I’m done, we can go from there. I’m still very upset that I can’t use Katelynn for a girl, I’ve loved that name ever since I was a little girl….but I’ve gotten up through the letter G for girls’ names, and my favorites thus far are Allison, Alyssa, and Chloe. I’ve got more on the list, but those are the ones I like the most so far.


Jake probably will be getting money from that apprenticeship program, and they’ll even give him back pay dating back to when he started the Academy. We’re not sure of the exact amount he’d get, but he’s guessing around $800-$900 a month….I suggested we use some of that to get his truck paid off before the baby comes, so that we won’t be struggling so much between September and February (when the truck will get paid off if we just make the normal payments). But he wants to throw it all into savings…..Well sure, put the rest of it into savings, but it’d only take a little over $1,600 of that to cover the payments between September and February, so why not pay it off and be done with it?

I haven’t mentioned this to him yet, but I was also thinking of maybe working part time once the baby is a few months old and he’d feel more comfortable being alone with him or her….he’s terrified of newborns. But any extra income would be SO helpful….and I think next July is when he can start doing jobs on the side, so it’d only be for a couple of months anyway, because he can make a lot of money in just a few hours doing extra security work, because from what I understand, the department has a rule or something that these other companies HAVE to pay them like $25 an hour. He should also be getting a couple of different raises next year…..so really, we won’t be as bad off as we’re afraid of being….we may have to pinch some pennies, but I think we’ll be alright.

We should be getting the information for our insurance soon, which means I can finally make an appointment!! And the good news is, if I can schedule it right, there’s actually a day that Jake could go with me, that’s within the next few weeks….he doesn’t have class until like, noon that day, so if I could get a morning appointment for that day, it’d be perfect!!! It’s so hard to believe that I’m already 1/4 of the way done with this pregnancy…it still doesn’t seem real to me. But I know that as soon as I hear that little heartbeat, and *hopefully* see it on that ultrasound screen, it’ll all be that much more real.

I bought a pregnancy journal the other day, and I love it. I think it’ll be neat for all of us – me, Jake, and the baby – to be able to look back on that documentation of everything we went through during this time. Of course, I’ll have my entries from here as well, but the journal covers specific topics that I probably wouldn’t think of on my own!

Oh, and regarding my last entry…I’m fine!!! That just happens to be my favorite song right now….I’ve been listening to a lot of Mandy Moore the past few weeks, and she did a cover of that song that I adore. I’m going to be making a mini disc full of songs like that for the baby to listen to in a few months 🙂 Yeah, I’m gonna be one of those women that puts headphones on her belly, hehe.


Oh, I did call my ex stepfather the other day. It was a little awkward, but what else did I expect? But I’m glad I did it.


I talked to my mom Tuesday night to let her know how it went, and she was mad because Matt mostly talked about himself and his kids. Eh, what else is new there though?

I also suggested that she could get me some gift cards so that I can go buy some more maternity clothes, but she has something else in mind….she might be buying my rocking chair for me!! OK, well actually, I want one of the gliders with the footstool, but still. Those things aren’t exactly cheap and that would help us out sooo much. And it’ll be so nice to have once I’m further along, and for breastfeeding, and rocking the baby to sleep…..she also said that she’s going to talk to her neighbor….I guess she had a baby about eight months ago, but just had her tubes tied, so she won’t be having any more children…so she’s going to see if she still has any of her maternity clothes, and ask if she’d be willing to pass them on to me. That would be such a blessing as well. I may be a grown woman, but my mommy still looks after me!! She is so darn excited about becoming a grandmother…..she’s bought the baby some blankets and washcloths, and even some of those little Baby Einstein books that I can read to him or her….and she was talking about how she doesn’t even mind all of the overtime she’s been putting in at work, because that’s more money that she can spend on her grandbaby. Hey, spend away mom, that’s less stuff that I have to buy!!!


Yeesh….this is the longest entry I’ve written in a long time, huh? What can I say, I’m in a chatty mood.


Danielle, I was very sorry to hear about Bambi’s brother. Please let her know that she and her family are in my thoughts.


That’s really about all I have for now, guys and gals…..to quote Jerry Springer….until next time, take care of yourselves…and each other.



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February 23, 2006

Also check ebay, garage sales, places like that for cheap not that important baby stuff like maternity clothes. Rocking chair is a must. My mom got one when she was pregnant with me and used it with all 3 of my siblings and people still sit in it now all the time (it’s in the living room.)

February 23, 2006

My Mom is going crazy too! lol. She bought her own stroller to have at her house and bassinett. It’s so funny. She said she can’t wait until we know the sex so she can really go crazy! lol. Gotta love Mom’s. 🙂

February 23, 2006

Awww… thats nice of your mom. Chloe has always been one of my faves too… and its really unique! Anyway, glad that everything is getting better with Jake… and I’m telling you.. the minute he holds that baby and looks into their eyes, all of the fear and whatnot will fly out the window!

February 23, 2006

Oh and something else… when Traun was going through his fearful stage after we found out, he suggested that we name our child “Cash”… no joke. I was so offended and pissed… I think I could have killed him! So I feel your pain hunnie!

Thank you.

February 23, 2006

We’ve picked our girls name, but we really fought over it! I absolutely LOVE the name Maile (My-lee) Grace, but he ruled it out – and quick. We fought and fought and I finally said that we’ll just end up calling her “baby girl.” He said he’d call her that anyway and I told him if that was the case, then I should be able to name her Maile! Anyway, we don’t have a boy’s name at all yet. It’s

February 23, 2006

gonna be another fight! I can feel it!! I’m also wanting one of those pregnancy journals — can’t wait to get one!

aww. what a cute blog. 🙂

Eric’s Girl again. My mom went NUTS on stuff for Alex! She still does. Seems like practically every time she comes over she has something new for him. Just recently she bought some Disney videos so when he spends the night at her house he can watch them.