
I know I promised pictures, but I just haven’t been in a mood to upload them.

I am so dead tired right now. Noah would NOT nap yesterday. Finally got him to sleep, only to have him wake up crying. Got him back to sleep, and he woke again at about 2:30 this morning….and I hadn’t gotten any sleep yet. I was tired, just couldn’t fall asleep. So I nursed him back to sleep and finally got some shut eye myself.

Only to wake to my son’s babbles at 6:45 this morning. And to find that my little Houdini had COMPLETELY busted himself out of his swaddle blanket.

He wouldn’t go back to sleep, so I’ve been up for almost 6 hours already. And he still isn’t being a very good napper, which means that I won’t be able to catch a nap until Jake gets up. I may go wake him up in a bit because he doesn’t have to work tonight, so he can go to bed whenever he wants.

I’ve made $45 just in the past two days. I sold our grill yesterday. There’s just no sense in keeping it around, since we can’t use it here, and we most likely won’t be able to use it wherever we go when we leave here later this year. I also sold a set of sheets that we only used a couple of times because they didn’t fit our bed quite right.

And I’ll be picking up a little more money this week. I’m getting rid of another set of sheets (same thing as above), one of the memory cards for our old camera, some exercise videos that I can’t use anymore because they’re VHS and I don’t have a VCR anymore, and some old cookbooks that I don’t use. That will all net me $40 or so.

Anyone know someone that is having a baby boy, or has recently had one? I’ve got lots of things that Noah’s outgrown that I wouldn’t mind getting rid of. Since I don’t know when, or even if, we’ll have another baby, there’s just no sense in keeping it all laying around.

I’m thinking about making Jake call the VA and having him tell them to hurry the hell up. I’m quickly losing what little patience I had left for them. I just want to get stuff paid off so I can be done with it and stop stressing over it all.

Anyway. Time to go have some fun with my boy.


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March 19, 2007
March 19, 2007

I think with the VA under fire with all of the investigations and stuff, right now is the perfect time to nag them and threaten to take it to your congress people if they can’t get their act together. Heck, write one of those “sound-offs” for the local paper. Do what you need to do. We’ve only just begun to deal with them for Joe’s medical crap and I just can’t wait to try to use his GI Bill.

March 19, 2007

Sorry about Noah’s lack of sleep! Noah, be a good baby and take a nice long nap for your mommy!

March 19, 2007
March 19, 2007

I’m supposed to get a colonoscopy from the VA. Guess that won’t be happening anytime soon. That’s okay, though. It’s not like I am looking foward to it.

March 19, 2007