Just a few things.

I don’t remember if I ever mentioned this, but Noah’s crawling more normally now. Before, he was crawling on one knee and one foot…now he uses both knees.

He’s a little monkey that likes to defy me. He’s currently corralled in his Pack n Play because he wouldn’t stop getting around my barrier to the kitchen. Redirection does not work, at least not for that!

He’s fully capable of pulling up now and does it every chance he has. He cruises a little, too.

He’s eating solids again, but I think something he’s eaten this week gave him a reaction. Jake feeds him solids, so I have no idea what it could have been, but his poor little butt has been awfully red the past couple of days, and last night he started breaking out with weird red bumps on his shoulders and chest. They’re mostly gone now, but I’m still keeping an eye on him.

He’s still waking up multiple times at night and I’m about to reach the end of my rope with that. He’s also still waking up at the crack of dawn and I’m getting pretty annoyed with that, too. There is no reason why he should not be sleeping through the night – he gets plenty to eat during the day – and there’s no reason he shouldn’t be sleeping 10-12 hours at night, either. Especially since on good days, he’s down to two naps.

Sprint can suck my third left toe. They’re trying to tell me that they have no record of the first deposit I ever had to make with them, way back when I opened the account in 2000. They’re also trying to tell me that they credited back the deposit we had to make when I added the line for Jake to my account….and of course, I don’t keep bills for that long, so I have no idea. But the first person I talked to certainly wasn’t showing that any of that money had been credited back to me. One more reason I’m glad we’re done with them, though, if they can’t keep stuff like that straight.


I got a new vacuum cleaner and I love it. Oh man, do I love it. It works SO much better than my old one.

Jake was very sweet and went to Wal-Mart at 6 a.m. on Saturday (ssshhh…he was still on duty!) and bought Harry Potter for me. I spent most of Saturday reading and finished Saturday night. Ummm….wow is about all I can really say. Though, I have an awful lot of questions because there are a number of inconsistencies and/or things that flat out don’t make sense. Maybe those things will be cleared up when JKR publishes the HP encyclopedia.

My son needs a haircut. Way too much hair on that boy.

I am SO glad we’re moving. Just got a thing today regarding renewals. They would want us to fill out a whole new application (this is a different company from who owned the place when we originally moved in, so it’s understandable), but they also want to do criminal checks on people every year. Not that we have anything to worry about, but, still! And they’re starting to add $5 to rents for trash, and if we renewed, our rent would jump up another $20 to $774….actually, it’d be $779 after the trash charge. No thanks. I think I’ll go with $275 lol.

My son’s being a crab so I must end this now. Figures.



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July 25, 2007

One of these days someone is going to have to start a competent customer service department. I will never understand how they come up with so many different answers to one extremely simple question!

July 25, 2007

hi just dairy hopping. i got harry potter on sunday but havnt had a second to read it:( ive heard al ot people say they dont get a lot of it and it’s too scattered and complex, not looking forward to reading it now i dont wanna be left with a huh? feeling. lol. ah the crawling stage i remember it well although my son didnt start until he was 13 mnths as he had probs with his legs. xx

July 25, 2007

need to read the Potters!! LOL

July 25, 2007

random noter: I saw your note on capricorn~mummy and I was wondering if you were speaking of Harry Potter. If you were, we are of like minds. The book was good. I was intrigued the whole time and did not want to put the book down, but there were definitely things that didn’t make sense or simply could have been better. Everyone thinks I’m nuts for not automatically thinking it’s the greatest bookof all time. Alas, I shall forever be shunned by my peers. 🙂

July 25, 2007
July 26, 2007

Sprint is terrible, isn’t it?

July 26, 2007

RYN: I would like that very much

July 26, 2007

Hi! Your little one is adorable. I was attracted to your diary because I’m from NC too! Take Care!

August 7, 2007

I loved the book .. Finished it in 6.5 hrs