Jelly bean

So, I saw the jelly bean today! Seriously, that’s what the baby looks like at this point. SO different from my first ultrasound with Noah, since I was further along with him and he was bigger and more clearly formed already. The baby is measuring about 5 days smaller than it should be going off of my LMP, but my doctor isn’t changing my due date. That seems to be about normal for me; Noah also measured a bit smaller. I guess I just have small kiddos! The baby has a nice strong heartbeat, 160 bpm. I’ve lost a couple of pounds since my last appointment, but I was expecting that because I’ve been feeling nauseous all day, every day, and haven’t been able to eat much. It’s eased up a little in the past couple of days though, so hopefully I’m almost through the worst of that. Other than all of that, there’s not much to report in the baby department.

My brother should be back in the States tomorrow or Wednesday. Marissa’s grandmother passed away Saturday night, so Dan’s commanding officer is trying to get him back just a few days sooner (his unit was scheduled to be back this coming weekend anyway). Mom and I are sending flowers up to Marissa’s grandfather. If anyone cares to, he’s asking that donations be made in his wife’s name to I think the Humane Society. I’ll double check with Mom tomorrow in case anyone wants that information.

There’s really not a whole lot else going on around here. I’m SO behind in my housework, but I always feel like crap which means I don’t want to do anything! I’ll have to have Jake play with Noah in his room tomorrow so that I can at least vacuum – Noah is freaked out by the vacuum. I tried to vacuum a little the other day because Noah got bread and Cheerio crumbs all over the living room, and he backed himself against the TV stand and shrieked pretty badly, poor baby. Jake was super sweet and cleaned up the kitchen for me today, though. Something smelled horrible in there and I couldn’t even walk in there unless I held my breath because it made me so sick, so he cleaned up while I was at my appointment.

That’s really all I have to say for now. I know at least some of you want to see the ultrasound picture I got, but I haven’t had a chance to scan it in yet. I’ll try to do that soon, since my mom wants to see it as well. Hope everyone else has had a good start to their week!








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October 9, 2007

Yes, we definitely want to see the u/s pic!!! I’m sorry about Marissa’s grandfather. Was he really sick or was this an unexpected death?

October 9, 2007
October 9, 2007

It’s hard to believe how tiny they start out. We called Jaidan “Peanut” because that’s what he looked like at the very first ultrasound!

aww… I hope you feel better. When are you supposed to have the other test done?? Glad that Jake is at least trying to help you And I’m sorry to hear about Marissa’s grandmother

It’s so amazing how they develop. Truly miraculous in my opinion.