It’s official…..

…..Little dude’s second tooth is cutting, too! Needless to say, it’s been quite the…..interesting day around here.

My dad called me today! We talked for about 20 minutes, had a really good conversation.

And I don’t remember if I mentioned this, but Jake dropped off his VA paperwork with the Admin office last week. He got it back through interoffice mail this morning, so I mailed it off… let the money roll in, please! LOL, if it doesn’t, we actually do have someone to call. Jake assisted a guy not too long ago with changing a flat tire, and the guy sent him a thank you note….turns out the guy works for one of our state senators, and said not to hesitate to ask if he coud be of any assistance.

Other than that, I’m just waiting to hear back from Mary Jo’s (a HUGE fabric warehouse out here) to see if they have/can get some fabrics similar to those from that crib set I showed y’all. Too bad I’m not loaded with money, because I can actually order those specific fabrics from the folks who make the bedding, but the stuff costs $30 a yard! Thanks, but no thanks!

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30 dollars a yard?!!??! HOLY COW!!!!!!

May 24, 2007

Yay Noah! 🙂 I hope you get your money soon.

May 25, 2007

GOOD FOR YA’LL!! I hope it all comes together….More pics of Noah…..I know he is getting soooo big……I am sooooo happy we are talking again Stace!! I really am!! and I am soooo happy for ya’ll……

May 26, 2007

That senator guy is a great connection to have! You never know what it could be good for.

hi i found you through the parenting circle. im 23, married, mom to 2 little ones. want to add eachother? 🙂