It’s official…

I am officially huge.


I can no longer see my feet when I look straight down.


All I see is belly.


And I saw quite a bit of it today….baby boy was VERY active. It’s quite amusing to watch my stomach move around with his rolls, kicks, and flips.


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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June 15, 2006


June 15, 2006


June 15, 2006

I hope you don’t mind I found you on the front page and saw you were expecting. Then I got to reading your interset and we share alot of the ame. I’m young married, a mom and LOVE NASCAR. Carl Edwards all the way! Plus I see you love the sims as well!@

June 15, 2006

I can’t see my feet when I look down any more

June 15, 2006


June 16, 2006

AWWWW!!! I can’t believe that it’s only 13 more weeks until the little guy gets here!

aww but you are a very pretty pregnant woman

Awwww isn’t it an amazing thing to watch? Just wait til you are further along, it looks like and alien trying to get out LOL. At least that is the only way I can think to describe it!

$5 a gallon?! Geez! I live in Iowa and its $2.39 a gallon here if you go with the most expensive stuff like swiss valley brand but if you go with cheap store brand then it’s like $1.85 a gallon. For me its free cuz im on WIC so we get milk vouchers and food vouchers for our child. Every little bit helps.