I’m Sneaky

I just ordered something else for Jake for Christmas.

Well, it’s technically for both of us. It’s a new fan for the computer. But I’m going to be a geek and wrap it up for him.

So, WHY am I sneaky?

Well, he already has an account with Tiger Direct from all of the other stuff we ordered when we first built the computer. I got into his email so I could get the password (ah, the beauty of him saving his email password on the computer….and no, I didn’t snoop in his other emails, either), and changed the billing stuff to one of my credit cards so that he can’t see that I ordered it. Then I went back into his email and forwarded the receipt to my email, then deleted the receipt from his email, as well as deleted the email with his password. Yes, I actually went into his trash folder and deleted them.

I’m proud of myself. I don’t think I got too big of a fan (have to make sure those suckers fit, ya know). I knew what kind of motherboard we have, so I know it’s compatible with that. I made sure to get one with a 4 pin connection. And I made sure that has locking pins, rather than screws, since that is the problem with our current fan – our old motherboard required screws, new one requires locking pins, so the computer has been sitting on its side as there’s no way to secure the fan to the motherboard currently. Have I bored you with all of this geek talk?

So. For Christmas he is getting:

* New Matchbox Twenty CD
* New Kenny Chesney CD
* New fan for computer
* New electric razor
* Talladega Nights DVD
* Stranger Than Fiction DVD
* Smallville Season Five DVD Set
* 3 black t shirts for work
* 3 new pairs of boxers
* New pajama pants

I may also get him a new pair of jeans. All of his jeans either don’t fit or are ratty as hell.

We’ll hopefully be getting a check from the VA soon. I may or may not have mentioned this, but I got fed up with him still not calling them. If you’ll remember, we sent in his last hours sheet and he forgot to sign it, so they sent it back. No biggie, he signed it, we sent it back to them. They apparantly didn’t get it because they sent us a sheet wanting hours for the exact same months as the other sheet. He never went and got the new one filled out or anything. So, since I had made a copy of the other one that WAS filled out, I made him sign it, wrote our new address on there, and sent it in by certified mail. I know they received it. So unless some bonehead that works there loses it, they have no excuse.

Ummm…I can’t really think of anything else to write. Nothing super exciting or unusual going on here. I’ve been making more of an effort to get the house cleaned and organized, but who wants to hear about that?

Have a good weekend, everyone!





lilypieexpecting a baby ticker

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December 3, 2007

Dang, he’ll be spoilt!!!

December 4, 2007

holy cow, he is spoiled!!!!! joey will be lucky if he gets scrubs s6 for xmas… lol. he got his damn room painted along with new curtains, that was enough!