I’m in trouble now….

Noah’s been opening drawers for awhile now….well, the drawers to my storage carts, anyway. And our nightstands and dressers. Well, he’s finally figured out that there are drawers in the kitchen and bathrooms, too, and thinks it’s fun to open those. He can’t reach into the drawer that has our silverware in it, so I’m not concerned about him hurting himself, but boy can he make a mess in a hurry! I don’t really want to install drawer latches, but I may have to.

He’s also finally figured out how to launch himself all the way up onto the couch and loveseat. He’s been trying so hard, but his short little self just couldn’t do it until now. Scares the bejeebus out of me. The loveseat I don’t mind so much. If he falls off of the edge, no big deal, it’s not THAT far of a fall and he’s got a tough little noggin. But the couch is another story. It’s not backed up against a wall, and he LOVES to try and climb over the back. I’m terrified that he’s going to fall over the back and break something. A friend of mine’s son did that recently and broke his arm. And unfortunately, moving the couch so that it is against a wall isn’t an option.

He’s also really close to figuring out exactly how doors work. He can grab the edges and go back and forth with the door, and he’s slammed the kitchen door shut I don’t know how many times – and then gets mad because he’s trapped LOL. But he was in the bedroom with me the other day while I was getting ready for my appointments and he closed the bedroom door….and then immediately started reaching for the doorknob. It’ll only be a matter of time before he figures out how to turn the knobs. Good thing I keep the front door deadbolted at all times! I’ll probably have to get some doorknob covers though, so he doesn’t go trying to open our bedroom door during the day while Jake is sleeping.

And I smell a stinky diaper, so I must end this.



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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March 8, 2008

Isn’t it so much fun chasing after a busy toddler all day? lol. I haven’t put doorknob covers on yet but I will soon. Addison tries to jiggle the knob but hasn’t gotten close to opening it yet.

March 8, 2008

Hehe, I’m so not ready for Keagan to get too mobile. He already scoots and rolls all over the place! But… it is a cute stage, once you childproof!

March 9, 2008

I just thought I’d drop by and wish you a Happy 25th Birthday! 🙂