If you’re looking for a debate….

…you’ve come to the wrong place.


Or maybe not.


A series of notes left on my last entry (noter shall remain anonymous, as they left these as private notes, but I couldn’t pass up this opportunity….)

This is in response to the note you left on Miss Elaine’s diary- you mentioned that there was a news article suggesting that disposable diapers are better than cloth. Sadly, those news articles are put out by the makers of disposable diapers- by leading you to believe their product is better, they make more money. Most cloth diapered babies rarely (often never) have diaper rash- babies who use disposable diapers often have diaper rashes. Sposies contain a product called Dioxin- this has been linked to cancer, reproductive problems, birth defects, endometriosis, diabetes, and countless other things. Diapers contain bleach, which many babies are sensitive to (I, personally, am sensitive to bleach). Diapers are made out of wood pulp, and they have chemicals added- chemicals which stay on baby (the absorbent beads in disposable diapers are often found on baby). Plus, there is the earth- disposable diapers fill land fills. Cloth can be reused for years.






Ok, I’m not really into knocking what other people choose to do, especially regarding something like what kind of diapers you choose to cover your baby’s bottom with. But seriously……let’s break this down a little.

This is in response to the note you left on Miss Elaine’s diary- you mentioned that there was a news article suggesting that disposable diapers are better than cloth. Sadly, those news articles are put out by the makers of disposable diapers- by leading you to believe their product is better, they make more money.

Actually, I believe the article mentioned that they MAY be better. For a variety of reasons. I wish I could find the darn article again, but alas, I can’t. But oh yes, the disposable diaper companies have the reporters in their back pockets, and they’ve got them putting out biased articles!! It’s all a big conspiracy!! *rolls eyes*…..Of COURSE they want you to think their product is better, as do the cloth diaper companies, as does every other company out there!! That’s WHY they’re in business, TO MAKE MONEY!!! And can you honestly tell me that the links provided AREN’T biased? I don’t think so.

Most cloth diapered babies rarely (often never) have diaper rash- babies who use disposable diapers often have diaper rashes.

Uh, right. Sorry, but diaper rashes are caused by leaving a soiled diaper on too long. Disposable OR cloth.

Sposies contain a product called Dioxin- this has been linked to cancer, reproductive problems, birth defects, endometriosis, diabetes, and countless other things.

And as evidenced by the second link left, dioxin is also found in a bunch of foods. Guess we’d all better stop eating so much beef, huh? Cancer, reproductive problems, etc. can all also be linked to a variety of other things. Parents have been using disposable diapers for decades now, and most of us that were diapered in them turned out just fine.

Diapers contain bleach, which many babies are sensitive to (I, personally, am sensitive to bleach).

And people use bleach on their clothes, too. If you’re sensitive to it, don’t use it. If it causes problems for your child, don’t use it, and don’t use disposables. It’s that easy.

Diapers are made out of wood pulp, and they have chemicals added- chemicals which stay on baby (the absorbent beads in disposable diapers are often found on baby).

Oh no, those big bad chemicals…..like we don’t all use some chemical every single day. I’ve changed many a diaper in my day, and have yet to find any absorbent beads on a child. And wonder of all wonders, you know how you’re supposed to wipe the kid when you change them? *gasp* Common sense will tell you that that would also wipe away any beads that were on the child’s skin!!

Plus, there is the earth- disposable diapers fill land fills. Cloth can be reused for years.

Well, you know, styrofoam is bad for the earth, too, and yet, people still use it. Driving your car isn’t so great for the planet, either, and yet, we do that, too!!


Seriously, folks. If you want to use cloth diapers for YOUR kid, you go right ahead. More power to ya. But there’s no need to sit there and act all high and mighty towards those of us that prefer disposables. Just like there’s no need to bash women who choose formula over breastmilk, pacifiers over no pacifiers, or any other multitude of things that women get so worked up over. YOU raise YOUR kid the way YOU want, and the rest of us will raise OUR kids the way WE want. There’s no one set best way to do everything, because what works for some, won’t work for others, and no one mom is more correct or better in her methods of child rearing than another….with the obvious exceptions, of course (such as neglect and/or child abuse…obviously, that’s not ideal!). If people would worry more about their own kids, rather than what someone else is doing with theirs (again, with the obvious exception of things like abuse and neglect), we’d all be a heck of a lot happier…..and so would your kids.


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May 21, 2006

People seriously crack me up. It’s a mom’s choice to use whatever means necessary to keep the kids’ elimination from getting all over the place. There was an article in American Baby that said you can potty train an infant. Let’s all throw away those diapers and start enthusiastically encouraging our babies to go pee pee in the potty! (Not) It’s mom’s choice. That’s it.

May 21, 2006

lol, when i seen my name linked to a debate i thought “oh no! Now how did i stir up trouble!” but i guess i’m safe this time!

I completely agree!

*shrugs* I don’t have babies yet. So this is all over my head lol.

May 21, 2006


May 21, 2006

AMEN! I totally agree with you. To each there own. If one way to raise a child was better than another than we all would be doing that. Thank God for the right to choose how to raise your own child!

May 21, 2006

Hallelujah! Found your diary on random, LOVE this entry!

Wow, drama never leaves us alone no matter how old we get, huh? The last paragraph was perfection (as was the whole way you presented your argument), unfortunately the common sense gene skipped a few people (maybe because their mothers spanked them as a form of discipline when they were children *gasp!*)… Take care 🙂

May 21, 2006

Uh oh…I think whoever left the note is working for the cloth diaper companies. Heh. It amazes me how much people begin to have opinions once you start to have kids. I don’t even have kids yet, but I see what and how people say things when I just mention having kids. You’re right, you need to do what you want to do, and if it works for you, then it’s fine. It’s your child.

May 21, 2006

*random info* they do make disposable diapers that are bleach free, not sure how easy they are to find but one of the kids in my toddler room used them, they were brown, like a paper bag. just wanted to share my random information. the kid is just going to poop in it anyway so whatev 🙂

Smell the disposiable diarpers they smell of perfume who wants that near a baby bottom. I agree it is up to the parent. Toni

May 21, 2006

Oh no freakin way am I gonna try to clean cloth diapers… no freakin thank you!

ryn: yes. yes you can. lol. but i will need them back at some point. by the way, your entry was so dead on. i loved it.

May 22, 2006

I totally agree with everything you said and I feel the same way. I think it’s so funny how some people can push what “they” think is the right way on everyone else. It’s just cracks me up. Too Funny! I’m all for dispoable diapers. I don’t care to have crap caked on in my washer. LOL And they do make diapers with no fragrances/bleach and such. You just have to look for them. Geeze…. 🙂

May 22, 2006

For me it’s a debate over helping the environment versus yuck factor. Sad that it is a debate at all but the yuck is that strong.

WHAT THE HECK?!?!? who gets all heated over…DIAPERS… all you were doing was lending a opinion..it wasnt like you were attacking her… omg I CANT BELEIVE THIS… that person has nothing to do.. but argue about diapers… all I have to say… is… they need to tend to their own kid and stop worrying about everyone else’s.unless someone is harming their child.. there is NO reason to

critize someone’s parenting techniques… im right there with ya girlie *shakes fist..* lol

June 1, 2006

I personally love cloth. But don’t have many cloth diapers so I still use disposables part time. Diapers just don’t seem to be an appropiate fight to pick. Haha. But for noter’s information they do have friendly disposable options such as Tushies and 7th generation disposables. Or there are G-diapers which is a flushable diapering system.