I miss my baby boy!


Letting Noah go today was hard. Apparantly, much harder on me than him! Mom says he just played and babbled the whole ride back to her house, and they didn’t even go in the house for awhile – he made a beeline for the sidewalk chalk I told her to get him and was having a blast with it. She called again at bedtime so I could say good night to him, and said he hadn’t cried once. He’s been playing with the new toys she bought him and just having fun.

I laid down for a little around 8:30, and when I got up, Jake said Mom had called again and said that Noah cried a little bit when she put him to bed….but that’s normal. Unless he’s super tired, he’s just one of those kids that needs to cry for a few minutes before going to sleep. But he hasn’t tried to get out of the bed or anything yet.

Jake called in sick to work tonight. His asthma/allergies are kicking his ass today. I called him when I was almost home to see if he was up yet, and he said he kept waking up every hour and he’s really had a lot of trouble breathing all night. He’s thinking about going back to the doctor because this has been happening a lot lately, though not as severe.

Another poor Jake story: I gave Maddy some gripe water last night because some other mommies have said that it helps babies poop and she hadn’t really pooped in a few days. I originally bought it to try and help with her gas, but it doesn’t seem to help her at all in that regard. Anyway, Jake was watching her last night like he always does on his nights off, and I guess the gripe water really did help because she had a massive blowout…..there are even poop stains on my carpet to prove it. But I guess it smelled pretty bad – to Jake, at least – because it actually caused him to throw up! But hey, at least she got the poop out, and I can definitely tell a difference. She’s been a perfect angel for me all day. Slept all the way up to where Mom and I were meeting, slept the whole time we were eating lunch and getting Noah’s stuff situated in Mom’s truck, and probably would have been just fine all the way home, too, but I stopped to feed her about halfway home because it’d been 5 hours since she’d eaten at that point. She woke up shortly after we got home and was content to sit in her bouncy chair and smile and coo at me and Jake, and she hasn’t really cried at all tonight except for when she’s woken up to be fed.

Anyway, I ought to get back to bed. I pumped out a bottle of milk before I laid down earlier, so I’m just going to leave Maddy out in the living room to chill with Jake again. Hey, if he’s going to be home, I might as well take advantage of getting some uninterrupted sleep, right?



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July 4, 2008

Awww – I’m glad Noah’s having fun with Grandma. He’s much stronger than Addison. Addison’s been spending Saturday nights with my Mom for forever now and she STILL cries when she leaves me to go over there. Enjoy your weekend and I hope you get some sleep!

July 4, 2008