Happy boy.

We had SUCH a good night here last night.

Things were a little rocky when Jake first got home. He and I argued because I finally blew up at him over not helping me out very much unless I specifically ask him to do something. He left for awhile, but made a huge effort when he got back. Even made dinner.

Noah woke up from his nap and was a complete angel. We played music and danced and he loved it. He likes the Trans Siberian Orchestra – what can I say, he inherited his mommy’s good taste in music. They were playing one of their concerts on TV, but they kept stopping it to beg for money (it was a local channel), so I just played one of my CDs instead. Found out that TSO will be playing here Nov. 14…and Jake could most likely get free or cheap tickets…but we don’t know yet if he’ll have to work that night and besides, I don’t have anyone to watch little man. *sigh*.

Anyway. Some pictures of my happy, big boy.


Don’t you just want to smother those chubby cheeks with kisses?


After we had fun playing, he ate and went to sleep. Sadly, I can’t remember what time he actually went to sleep, but it was one before Jake and I went upstairs. And Noah slept until 4:30. Ate and went RIGHT back to sleep. And slept again until 7:30. Took a little bit longer to get him back to sleep, but no big deal. And then Jake came in at 9:30 to check on us, and little man woke up and ate again and then cuddled with us for a couple of hours. And now he is happily swinging away in his swing.

Anyway. Since he’s happy where he is, I need to go get some stuff done.


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November 2, 2006

what a cutie 🙂 he’s getting so big! xo

November 2, 2006

hurray, stuff!

November 2, 2006

Aww! Send him to me, I wanna baby-sit!

November 2, 2006

so cute, so cute!!

November 2, 2006

I just want to hug that tiny little guy! He’s so cute!

November 2, 2006
November 2, 2006

🙂 He is adorable. I love his smiles. 🙂

November 2, 2006

Lol… funny face in the last pic! Cutie!

November 2, 2006

those are so cute- i can see how much he’s grown!

November 2, 2006

How cute!!! I love the bibs, we used to have really cute ones when I worked at the daycare center. 🙂

November 2, 2006

He is so cute, love his smiles. Take Care