Happy Birthday To Me

Thanks to everyone that has left me birthday wishes over the past couple of days! Bleh, my own husband didn’t even tell me happy birthday this morning before he left. Meanie.

I was gonna go up to my mom’s this weekend, but I think I’m gonna ask her if she’s still willing to come down here instead. I’ve been up there twice since we moved here….and she hasn’t seen the new house at all. Not to mention the fact that, taking a good look around, my house is trashed. Think that would change if I left Jake alone all weekend? Hardly! Oh sure, he might pick up the living room and stuff, but nothing else would get touched. ESPECIALLY the baskets of HIS laundry that I have to rewash…he’s just left his clean clothes laying out for weeks now, and the cats like to lay in baskets and on top of soft mounds of fabric, so those clean clothes aren’t so clean anymore.

And, I’d have to miss at least part of the race on Sunday to drive back, since I despise driving in the dark. So yeah, gonna have to ask the mommy if she’ll come down here instead.

I almost forgot that I have to go back to the eye doctor today….whoops. Oh well, it’s at the place in Wal Mart, so I can pick up a few groceries while I’m there.

Yeesh, I have so much stuff I need to do. I need to stop procrastinating and just do it already.


So, off I go…..



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March 9, 2006

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Oh and doodlebug looks marvelous! =) ~Sabrina

Happy birthday!

March 9, 2006

Happy Birthday! 🙂

March 9, 2006

Happy birthday sweetie!

March 9, 2006

Happy Birthday!

March 9, 2006

happy birthday

March 9, 2006

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

March 9, 2006

Happy birthday, again. 🙂 (hopefully this time you got my text message on time!) And like I said, your presents gonna be late, because, well I suck! 🙂 But I’ve had it since the beginning of this week (well part of it and i might as well wait for the second half to send it out!)

March 9, 2006

Today’s my best friend Kim’s bday too! Happy birthday!

March 9, 2006

Happy Birthday! I’m 23 today too!

March 9, 2006

Happy Birthday!

March 9, 2006

Happy Birthday!

March 9, 2006

Happy birthday! I know, I’m lame, I forgot.

March 9, 2006

Happy Birthday! I didn’t know! :o) Mine was just the 28th, we are close!

happy birthday!


March 10, 2006

Happy belated birthday sweetie!!!!!

March 10, 2006

Happy Birthday! :o)

March 10, 2006

Happy belated Birthday!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed it!!!! =)

March 10, 2006

If you have any questions about it let me know, I wrote the auction. I can buy it and ship it to you for a lot cheaper than we charge for shipping so if you really do like it let me know, I’ll be watching it anyways just because I don’t like missing out on good deals even if I don’t need them.

March 10, 2006

RYN: Yeah, I understand, I’d want something gender neutral personally so it could be used again. The sheep mobile is more my style. I just always get excited to list anything baby even if it isn’t something I’d want.

HaPpY B-DaY!

April 14, 2006

happy belated birthday! :o)