Happy Birthday!!!

Today is Jake’s 23rd birthday!! We were all supposed to go out to the Cheesecake Factory Satruday night for dinner, but never got around to it.

Did I mention that I’ve been made a moderator of the political forum I post on? Good stuff, I tell ya. Kinda aggravating though. I’ve already had to issue some warnings and such to people that were getting out of hand.

Doodlebug and I have our next appointment on Wednesday. Hoping for another ultrasound, but I’m not holding my breath.

Ummmm…..I wanted to smack the shit out of Louisa this weekend. Once again, I had no choice but to chase after Dale, because she’s lazy as hell. Yesterday morning, for example. I wanted to sleep a little longer. Jake and JR went to go get us all some doughnuts for breakfast. I had to drag myself out of bed because the kid kept screaming and going up and down the stairs and god knows what else. I go downstairs to find Louisa laying on the couch, under the blanket, eyes closed, with her back to the living room and her face practically in the pillows on the back of the couch. Yeah, real good way to actually see what your kid is doing!! And then, when I go into the kitchen to see what Dale is doing, and start gently scolding him (he was standing on an empty soda box in front of the sink, about to pull some glasses right down on his head pretty much), she goes "What’s he doing?"…..it took all of my restraint not to say "Well, if you’d get your lazy ass off of my couch, you’d know." I’m starting to think that I need to buy a pack n play sooner rather than later, so I can have a way to contain that demon spawn!! They let him get into everything, which pisses me off to no end, because he’s definitely old enough by now for them to be teaching him to have respect for things that belong to other people!

Yeah. There is NO way I could ever live with Louisa. Why in the world did I ever think I could?

Anyway, not a whole heck of a lot going on around here. I’m currently trying to finish printing out the pictures of Carley so that I can finally get started on the darn scrapbook for Dawn. The sucky thing is that my printer seems to be scaling some pictures kinda oddly, so I’ll have to mess with some and reprint them so that heads aren’t chopped off and such!

Jake’s home….gotta go!!


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April 3, 2006

I was wondering how you’d be able to live with her…it sounds like you’d be a live-in baby-sitter. I hope you and Jake have some birthday fun! 😉

April 3, 2006

I’m glad you re-thought that. Sounded kinda crazy to me. I don’t think the co-living thing really goes that well all too often. By the end of my first semester of college (where all freshman had to live in a dorm) almost everyone switched or was wanting to switch/despising there roommates, I still don’t like to talk to my ex-roomie. Yay for ultrasound.

aww :)happy birthday to jake!

April 4, 2006

Louisa’s lucky you’re there the watch Dale….makes me wonder what it’s like when their alone.

April 4, 2006

ryn: thanks for the info. I didn’t know that, but I guess I would have learned soon.

April 4, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jake! =)

April 4, 2006

RYN: He didn’t really look. The baby was kind of laying funny.. so you couldn’t see much. He said he will hopefully be able to tell me at my next visit.. provided the little one cooperates. lol.

April 4, 2006

Sounds like a shitty mother! Happy birthday to Jake!

April 4, 2006

Woo hoo, cheesecake!

April 5, 2006

hows everything going with you?