Growth spurts…



Seriously. Well, this one does, anyway.

Most of my day has been spent right here in front of the computer. Why? Because Noah has not let me put him down for more than a few minutes before freaking out. Even if he’s been sound asleep, within 5-10 minutes he’s crying. I did manage to get my brother’s birthday card mailed out, and I did manage to get the dishes done and the kitchen floor swept, and the living room vacuumed, but that’s it.

By some miracle, he just now let me put him in his swing, and he’s gone back to sleep.

I don’t even mind so much that he wants me constantly right now. We all know I love my computer.


When he’s laying across my lap on his Boppy pillow, I can’t do anything. Well, I can’t type. Not unless I want to sit there pecking out one letter at a time. I can click around with the mouse, but that’s it. So I can read things, but I can’t respond – no notes on here, no posts on my forums….

It gets old after awhile.

I was going to just sit here and play The Sims 2, but I haven’t been able to get the disc out and loaded.


Oh, wait. I did manage to also get some of his birth announcements put together finally. Now all I need is time to put them together with Christmas cards.

Well, as long as my little monster is continuing to be good, I need to call my mom back. We need to figure out what we’re doing with Christmas.

Doing some online holiday shopping? Visit my website!




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December 11, 2006

U have the same problem so i ordered a sling

December 11, 2006

yeah, growth spurts are no fun. I think Addie is in the middle of one too. *sigh*

December 12, 2006

ryn: Southern Pines is it! lol Well one of them, I think the other is Pinehurst….I know they were both pines but for some reason I thought one had spring. Well I guess I’ll find out soon enough! Yes, we’ll definitely have to meet up, I’m so scared of moving….I’ve been on the West coast my whole life!