Greetings from my kitchen

Le sigh.

I’m sitting here on the kitchen floor, clacking away on my laptop. Yes, MY laptop…finally got my AC adaptor! My air conditioning is still broke, and Noah and I are miserable. Well, I am at least. I brought down Noah’s Pooh tub plunked it down on the kitchen floor, filled it up with cool water, and he’s having a grand ol’ time splashing away. Keeps trying to eat my toes, though. And I have to keep telling him to sit on his butt because he keeps leaning over the sides and I’m afraid he’s going to fall. If I’m not careful, his splashing is going to fry my laptop, too. Hmm….maybe I need to rethink this idea.


Too bad I don’t have anywhere to put a kiddie pool, or I’d go get one so we could both go splash away. But oh wait, nowhere to hook up a hose, so even if I had somewhere for the pool, I have no efficient way of filling it up. Double bummer.



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June 21, 2007

My Mom has a hose so I can fill up Addie’s pool otherwise I’d be carrying buckets of water outside. It’s too cold here today but as soon as it warms up, she’ll be back in it. It’s one of the only things that entertains her and keeps her from getting into stuff. lol. You must take some pics of the little man splashing! 🙂

June 21, 2007
June 21, 2007

Did you move? I thought you bought a house….??

June 22, 2007

I don’t miss the southern heat. Course, it’s been 98-101 here all week too.