Getting somewhere?

I think Mr. Noah and I are making some more progress towards getting him OUT.

Had a slight bit more bleeding yesterday. And I had a few contractions last night. Nothing too major, but it’s a start.

I can feel the very bottom of his head/chin just above my pubic bone. And I can feel his little tush and spine all along the left side of my belly.

Jake’s freaking out though, says that Noah needs to stay in there. I made the mistake of telling him how much Miss Addison weighed and now he’s all paranoid, because he knows Cassie was a bit further along than me…but we all know that that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. But I’ll ask Dr. Cannon to make a guess as to his weight and such on Wednesday, just to ease his mind a little.

My mom says I need to wait until at least Thursday to go into labor. I guess she had to use the money she had set aside for gas and stuff to make sure some bills got paid on time, and Thursday is pay day for her. Ummm…yeah. I’m certainly not going to ask them to stop my labor if it happens before then just for Mom!

Anyway, nothing else going on around here. Keep sending some labor vibes my way…..heck, send some Angie’s way, too; I know she’s just as ready as I am!!


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August 26, 2006

wow, I have seen sooo many young women my age on OD who are about to have babies!! I kind of feel left out, haha! I hope everything goes smoothly and Noah and You are healthy after everything!! I love babies…

August 26, 2006

It is so rare for first time moms to have their babies early…I would be shocked if you all had your babies before your due dates. You can stay dilated to 2 or 3 for weeks. Don’t count on your doctor to guess your babies weight either….some have the talent for guessing and some don’t…my doctor told me Ava was almost 9 pounds!

August 26, 2006

Addison is itty bitty… What’s your guy measuring at?

August 26, 2006

I hope it works out and that your Mom and Jake can both be there through the birth of Noah. I’m so excited for you guys! 🙂

Between you, Cassie, and one of my friends here, I wanna have a baby!!! *lol* Nonetheless… he’s gotta hold on for 11 more days!!!! 😀

August 27, 2006

Best of luck!!! I can’t believe it’s almost time. :o) *hugs*

August 27, 2006

*lol* PLEASE SEND THEM OUR WAY!!!! So Cassie’s done… now its me and you girlie!!!

August 28, 2006

You are almost there, he will come when the time is right,lol. Just relax you don’t want him to come to early then he will have to stay in the hospital no fun going home without your baby I know. Loved your belly pictures you look so cute. Take Care Sue

August 28, 2006

THE 4rth. Thats Sophia’s birthday and we would be forever bonded if you had him that day! So Sunday night have mad sex adn pizza and then maybe Monday we will get a BABY!

August 28, 2006

You haven’t written in a couple days, have you been having Noah?

August 29, 2006

Haven’t heard from you in awhile, is the baby here yet? Sending you lots of easy labor vibes if not. I’m thinking of you. You are going to have to start posting daily “no baby yet, that’s all” entries just so we know! (Assuming he’s not here yet!)