Gas Man

Poor Noah has been all kinds of gassy since last night. And for once, nothing I do seems to help very much, so all I can do is hold him until he feels better.

Poor me didn’t get any sleep this morning – partially from that, and partially because he didn’t want me to put him down. I finally had to let him sleep with me for awhile just to get some sleep. But then even that didn’t work. Tried to take him for a drive, because he normally falls asleep n the car, but no dice. FINALLY got him to sleep around 11. Was able to sleep for a couple of hours, then had to get up to feed him, and then we slept for a couple more hours. He’s hanging out with Daddy now, fighting sleep again.

Noah and I are going to go visit my mom this weekend. I’m not particularly looking forward to it, but she keeps going on and on about it, so I might as well go and shut her up. She wants to take Noah to have Christmas pictures done already. "Before the studios get too busy", she says. Yeah, too bad he’s going to look way different by the time Christmas actually rolls around. Eh, no matter. Jake and I will just take him ourselves closer to Christmas time, so we can have a family picture done.

But I just know that all weekend, I’m going to be hearing about all the things I should be doing, and what I’m doing wrong. Heck, we got into an argument the other night over cereal. She tried to tell me that I could start giving him cereal at two months to try and help him sleep better/longer. Um, no. "Well, I was giving it to your brother when he was a month old!" Um, yeah, that’s you. Besides, I’d really love to know how I’m supposed to get cereal into my breast. I’m NOT going to be sitting there pumping out a bottle for EVERY night just to give him some cereal. He’ll start sleeping through the night when he’s ready to, and if we have a few bad nights in between and after, well, that’s just all a part of having a baby.


I know she means well. But just because she did something a certain way, that doesn’t necessarily make it the right way….at least, not necessarily the right way for US. I know she’s just trying to help, but I hate that she just assumes that just because this is my first child, that I don’t know anything. Actually, I hate all "veteran" mothers that act like that. They were all first time mothers, too.


Anyway, I’m hungry, so it’s time to go start dinner.


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Yeah, different families work different ways. You’ve found ‘your’ groove, so that’s all that really matters.

Oh, have you thought of/tried Mylacon? (sp?) I don’t know how to spell it. It’s the gas stuff. Not trying to be all ‘veteran’ on you, but even I had forgotten about that stuff this time around. But it works wonders.

October 16, 2006

Just a random commenter. I agree with you, my mother in law tried to tell me that my daughter could have cereal in her milk at two months old, I was like hmm no, she’s fine, she is not going to get cereal just yet, it’s not supposed to go in her bottle anyway, it’s supposed to be spoon fed. And she was like well I gave it to Tristan when he was a couple weeks old (nephew). Urgh !

October 16, 2006

I’m not digging the unsolicited advice myself these days. I’m also not patient enough to listen to it for long, and while I managed to stay somewhat pleasant toward my MIL while she was here (with emphasis on the word “somewhat”), I don’t think I’ll be able to stifle myself quite so much once Susannah’s here. Thank God she’s too far away to babysit.

October 16, 2006

That would annoy me, even if she’s trying to help. I hope Noah feels better and that you get more sleep

October 16, 2006

you dont have to give them cerel that youn weird ppl

October 16, 2006

My mom is stuck in her way, as is my MIL. Ya just gotta smile and nod. Haha. And never turn your back! My FIL gave my son ice cream at 4 months when I wasn’t looking. I nearly had a heart attack. Not to mention the yogurt my mother gave him a few weeks ago. *grumble*

October 16, 2006

My son used to be gassy alot when he was very little so I know how it goes when NOTHING seems to work. lol We tried the Mylicon drops but they didn’t work all that well. But we found that Walmart has a generic brand of the gas drops that worked really well. They were an absolute Godsend when nothing else worked and they were much cheaper than the Mylicon drops. Just a thought.

October 16, 2006

My Mom told me that Karo syrup works for gas. I haven’t tried it though.. I just stick to the gas drops.

October 16, 2006

I ws given that advice also, only child we did it on was my firstborn, but that was under his doctors instructions cuz he was eating 9 ounces of formula or more every 4 hours. And of course, had i listened to my daughter sara’s grandmother, she’d have been on cow’s milk by 5 months old lol

October 17, 2006

You would be surprised – or not – at what your mother, mother-in-law, etc will try to tell you. They did things way different back then. My mother-in-law tried to get me to give my son baby food at 6 weeks! Said she got in trouble with the dr when she wasn’t feeding her youngest baby food at 2 weeks! Just go with your gut feeling. And yes – she is right about the studios getting busy before Christmas. Always make sure you have the 1st appt of the day, or you could be waiting for hours. It happened to friends of ours at Sears.

October 17, 2006

RYN: He works for the Army. He makes armor and such for humvee’s and things like that to get shipped to Iraq. He can’t really get time off very easily because of that.

October 18, 2006

You’re a pizza purist huh? I like just about anything on my pizza!