For those of you that have asked…

Couple of things.


A few of you lovely mommies have offered up loans of clothing your sweet babies have outgrown. I keep meaning to throw this in an entry, and always forget…..but while I do appreciate the offers, I’m good in the clothing department so far. I’ve forbidden my mom and Marissa from buying stuff too far in advance – I simply don’t have the room to store things, just waiting for the baby to be able to wear them, ya know? They went way overboard with Noah and I’m trying to minimize the amount of clothing I have this time around. And, I’d HATE to have anything happen to something that was loaned to me. So y’all are sweet for offering, but I’ll have to pass.

Off of the top of my head, there’s not anything I NEED for the baby that isn’t already planned to be taken care of in the near future. All I truly NEED is a crib and mattress, and I’ll have those soon. I know there are a few things I wouldn’t mind having, and I’m sure once I get everything organized, I’ll find something that I do actually need. I’ll have some sort of registry set up on Amazon  soon…well, technically it’s already set up, but there’s nothing on there. So, if you’re interested, you can just keep searching my name on there until something pops up.

The name thing – a number of people suggested using Elizabeth as the baby’s middle name if Jake is so set on it. Not gonna happen…she already has a middle name and it’s not negotiable. We agreed years ago that a daughter would have my middle name, since it means a lot to me to pass it on. If it wasn’t so special to me, I’d use Elizabeth in a heartbeat, but I just can’t bring myself to not use my own middle name. *sigh* If Brandi had never had a daughter, this wouldn’t even be an issue. But she did, and it is. And it’s not helped by the fact that there are a lot of names that we both like, but can’t use for various reasons. Eh, we’ll get something figured out….or he’ll just have to live with my choice.


Ok, so that was more than a couple of things….sue me.





lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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=) What’s your middle name?

February 24, 2008

You’ll come to some compromise 🙂

February 25, 2008

LOL, middle name for a girl, Rae, is Beautiful, and unique, which we all know you are Unique!!!!!

February 26, 2008

Um, you so need to name her Allie. Noah and Allie… like duh! (lol 😉

February 26, 2008

I laughed at Erica’s note. Very cute.

February 27, 2008

ryn: yeah, that is a bit odd. I knew it, but I still had to say it. How bout a different novel then? lol. OR Erica is a beautiful name. 😉 Why don’t you just TELL US what names you’re pondering?!