Five months…..

Let me tell you, these next five months are gonna be loooooong.


Monday, Jake didn’t get home till nearly 7. Last night, he didn’t get home till after 7. Now, he says this shouldn’t be an every day thing, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


However, he was in quite a mood last night. Frustrated over trying to iron one of his uniforms. I’m going to take pity on him and iron the other one later.

We had to go out and buy a bunch of stuff last night, mostly for shining his shoes. Yeah, he didn’t think about that one, so he let me throw away all of the stuff we had had for shining our boots. Whoops. We spent an hour last night shining his shoes….he was getting frustrated because they weren’t getting very shiny, and he even said himself that I’m better at that, so I took pity on him and helped out. I’ll probably spend some more time tonight helping as well, since they have an open ranks sort of thing tomorrow.


We didn’t have any tiny notebooks that would fit in his pocket, and I guess they have to have them, so I have to run to the store and pick up some of those later. If I had known he needed them, I would have told him we didn’t have any while we were already at the store last night, but…..*shrug*

He was just one big grouch last night, and I sincerely hope that doesn’t become a habit. I kept my mouth shut last night, but yeesh, he just needed to CALM DOWN!!! I was already feeling miserable, I didn’t exactly want to listen to him on top of that. *sigh*……

In good news though, we may be getting a little extra money a month. There’s the apprenticeship program, I’m not sure exactly how it works, but I know that Luke is doing it right now, and he gets extra money from the government or something…..I guess that Jake being in the Academy can count as an apprenticeship, and we could get up to an extra $1,000 a month. That would help out soooo much. Of course, I’m still going to get a job (if anyone would freaking call me back…..grrrr…..), but then we could be putting a TON of money into savings for after the baby is born, while also working on paying off the credit cards…..gosh, this would make that SO much easier.


Anyway….I guess I should get off of here and get out of the house. We finally got the check from Mamaw’s estate, so I need to go deposit that, and then go get his notebooks… that ironing……and if I feel up to it, I’d like to do a few scrapbook pages today. Haven’t done that in quite some time now, certainly not since we moved, and I have a new project: Even though I don’t have a whole lot of baby pictures of Carley, I’d like to make a Carley scrapbook for Dawn for Mother’s Day. If I had more pictures of me and Danny as children, I’d do one for my mom as well, but she’s stingy with even letting me borrow pictures so I can scan them


Expect a mushy entry tomorrow if I don’t write more later!



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Ahh I’m sure it won’t be an everyday thing. I know every now and again Chuck gets like that when it comes to work but it normally passes. *hugs*


January 25, 2006

I am sure he’s just flustered with starting something new and just wanting to make sure everything is in order. I imagine Adam will be the same way when his Academy starts. lol.

January 25, 2006

Poor Jake, I hope things ease up for him soon!

January 25, 2006

RYN: There’s more just like it for sale on the same Ebay store They have a lot of other cute stuff too

January 26, 2006

Man, Stacy…you’re making me want to try to talk J.W. into TTC now instead of waiting till the summer. You’re the second of my faves who’s pregnancy I found out about today.