Finally….some pictures!! **

Yay, I stopped being a slacker and reinstalled the software for my camera so I could show y’all some new pictures! I would have had a belly shot yesterday, but the battery for my camera was dead so I had to recharge it. Whoops.

So, here’s me last night…

I didn’t realize how big I really am getting until I looked at this picture! I was sitting here thinking that I was pretty small…ha!

As a comparison, here’s the last shot I took back in May….the ones from the baby shower don’t really do any justice, since my top was so loose, lol….

And a random photo of Kasey….


Also, an update to my last entry:

First of all, a big thank you to all of you for helping me out. Is it any wonder why I love you guys so much? If more people in this world were as willing to help out someone in need as y’all are, we certainly wouldn’t have as many problems with homelessness and such!

Secondly, from what I can tell, when sends you the initial email letting you know that an email has been sent to the property, they request a read receipt, which I guess is how they track it. So make sure you at least open that email before you delete it! I know that if you have your email configured through Outlook, it’ll ask if you want to send the read receipt, and I believe Yahoo automatically sends one….not sure about other email providers. I’m still not positive as to whether it counts multiple emails coming from the same email address, or even from the same computer (maybe it tracks the IP address as well?), but I’m keeping an eye on it….as of right now, it’s showing three leads, and I know for a fact that one of those is from me because I did it before I even asked y’all….but eight of y’all have let me know that you’ll do it or have already done this, and I did it a couple more times using some of my other email addresses (seeing as how I’ve got about five of them set up just for my website, lol), so we’ll see what happens throughout the rest of the day.

Other than all of that, and the other stuff I mentioned in the previous entry….things are pretty good here. Noah has been VERY active this week….usually as I’m trying to go to sleep! And the poor little guy gets the hiccups at least twice a day. I’ve also been having a lot of Braxton Hicks this morning….kind of uncomfortable. And I’ve been doing the pregnant lady waddle all week, due to the pain with my pelvic bone, plus now my sciatic nerve is acting up….ah, the joys of pregnancy, right?

Funny thing – I went to bed when Jake did last night because I didn’t get much sleep yesterday, and Noah started kicking me, but every time Jake put his hand on my stomach so he could feel it (he hasn’t been able to do that lately, because Noah either only kicks me when Jake’s not home or he’s sleeping, or he doesn’t do it long enough for me to justify yelling for Jake to come here!), Noah would stop!!

We also got a gift from Megan and J.W. yesterday, but I still need to take a picture of that. But thanks again, you two!!

Other than that…..Jake and I are seriously discussing leaving Charlotte. We won’t be able to leave for quite some time, of course, but we’re not happy here. Neither of us likes being so far away from our families. Crime here is becoming outrageous – every single night on the news, there is at LEAST one story relating to some crime that was committed, although it’s usually more like two or three stories a night…..and tonight, almost every single story was crime related. As if it’s not bad enough that I have to worry so much about our home or our vehicles getting broken into, or not wanting to walk around uptown at night because of all of the crime going on, he’s actually going on duty in a little over two weeks, so I have to worry about his safety as well. They actually had to have the riot team uptown Tuesday night for the fireworks, and twenty four people were arrested because things got so out of control afterwards. A woman on this forum for Charlotte mommies that I post on, her husband is also a police officer, and he was part of the riot team, and she said thank God he was wearing his vest, because people were shooting illegal fireworks at the officers and throwing rocks and bricks at them. Yeah, just the kind of stuff I want to worry about, right?

And as if all of that isn’t enough, there’s the child molestors. There’s one that lives right here in our neighborhood. Granted, it’s not like Noah’s going to be old enough to go outside by himself anytime soon, but sometimes, you just never know. Heck, a family was in a Church’s Chicken the other night and some man tried to walk off with one of their kids – right under their noses!! What in the heck is this world coming to???

So, needless to say, Charlotte is not all we thought it would be. We’ve got to plan this very carefully though, because there aren’t many police departments close to his family that pay even close to what he’s making here. Granted, they also don’t have as high of a cost of living as this city does, and things’ll be a lot easier on us once his truck gets paid off as well, but if I want to be able to stay home with Noah, we’ve got to plan very carefully.


Anyway, enough about that. Jake’s got the state police exam on Tuesday, so he WILL be studying all weekend!! I’ve got my next doctor’s appointment on Wednesday, so that’s about all I have to look forward to. And that’s really about all that’s going on with us right now!


If you’ve actually read all of this, a big kudos to you!!



 Just wanted to let y’all know that it’s showing my balance up to $50 now… I guess it’s just a little slow in processing some of this. Either way, you guys are awesome!!



Oooh, we’ve got some smart ones here folks!!


get a job


Yeah, let me just get right on that, being almost 8 months pregnant and all – I bet there are just tons of people out there looking to hire someone that’s 8 months pregnant!! *rolls eyes* Oh, and after my baby is born, are you going to watch him for free for me, so that my paychecks aren’t eaten up by daycare? How about paying for the gas it’ll take to get me to and from work?


Then shut the fuck up.

Jake and I have determined that, for the time being, it’s pointless for me to get a job. Anything I made would basically be negated with daycare expenses and putting gas into my car. Not to mention the fact that OUR child is OUR responsibility; we don’t want to ship him off to daycare every day and basically have him raised by someone else. But of course, if the dumbass that left this note was a regular reader here, they would know all of that already. They would also know about the VA money we’re waiting on. AND they would know that, on

ce Jake gets put on a regular shift/schedule, we’ll look into me getting a part time job during the hours that he is home, so that we DON’T have to pay for daycare – but that’s only IF we actually need the income. If we can make it to next July, it won’t even be an issue anymore, because that’s when his probationary period is up and he can start taking secondary jobs, where they HAVE to pay him $24 an hour, and they have to pay him for at least three hours’ worth of work, regardless of if he actually works that long. Furthermore, this noter would also know that once we get his truck paid off, things won’t be nearly as tight as they are now, seeing as how that’ll be $325 a month that can go towards other things.

Regardless…..I’d really like to see someone who’s willing to hire someone for maybe 10 weeks (seeing as how I could easily go into labor before I hit the 40 week mark), only to lose them for a six week post partum period, and would then be willing to work around my husband’s schedule. That’d be one compassionate employer…..but see, most employers aren’t like that. All they care about is the bottom line.

So unless dipshit here wants to hire me, (s)he needs to engage that grey matter between their ears.

maybe you should not have been trying for a baby if you couldn’t afford it. Sounds like a great are to raise a child in. Couldn’t you have gotten a job earlier on in your pregnancy?? Or do you just find charity easier?

You’re obviously not a regular reader, either…..otherwise, you would know that we weren’t actually trying for a baby when our son was actually conceived. Not that that matters, because things were not as tight financially when he was conceived. Believe it or not, shit happens and sometimes, you can’t do much about it.

You’d also be wise to engage that grey matter between your ears. We obviously do not want to raise our child here, which is WHY WE’RE DISCUSSING GOING ELSEWHERE. And of course, if you were a regular reader, you’d realize that we just moved here in November, before our son was even conceived, and therefore, didn’t realize that this city is THAT bad.

Furthermore, if you were a regular reader, you’d know that I was looking for a job earlier in my pregnancy, but some shit came up and we reached a point where it just wasn’t going to be worth it anymore. If you had read my previous entry, and if you knew me at all, you would realize that no, I don’t find charity easier. I don’t like asking people for help, for anything. But at least I’m not sitting here taking actual handouts.

Not to mention, if my husband wasn’t so careless with our money, we would be fine right now. But no, he’s made some very careless and unneccesary EXPENSIVE purchases the past few months, as well as having spent $50 last month alone on fast food because he didn’t pack his own lunch, and that is all now coming back to bite us in the ass.

Not that any of this is any of y’alls goddamn business – the unsigned noters, that is. Why do you care if my friends are actually willing to help me out? I’m certainly not asking anyone to do anything that I wouldn’t do for them if they needed it.

How about you two grow a pair (boobs or balls, whichever is applicable) and sign your notes next time?

*sigh* That’s the problem with allowing unsigned notes for the benefit of my readers that may not have a diary here, or for when someone isn’t logged in – it also allows the morons to pop out of the woodwork.  

Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




Log in to write a note
July 7, 2006

that sure is becoming a popular name. [random noter] – noah

July 7, 2006

I’m going to try and see if it works for a German email-account, if not I also have a, so that one should work. =) See, that’s what people study law for.. At least I will never have to worry about a job since there are so many sickos out there.. I’m sure you’ll be fine though.

July 7, 2006

Oh and do I have to mention your name in that email or something?

July 7, 2006

There are child molesters EVERYWHERE, There are about three within 2 miles of me. Its very scary to think about. Then I sit here and think about what they went through as children… they didnt make themselves this way, its psychologically implanted, as you probably know… just… I dont know, I dislike greatly what they do but I cant help but feel bad for their past. Sure, they could get… con’

July 7, 2006

therapy when they first discovered these feelings but that’s like a drug addict trying to take the first step. Why am i going on about this? I have no idea. Your belly looks great! Take care. Skippy

July 7, 2006

I’m sorry Charlotte isn’t working out. Moving is so stressful and costly. But you do what works for you!

July 7, 2006

You really popped! You looked pregnant before, but now people probably give you that “aw, when’s the baby due?” look!

July 7, 2006

Aw the baby is getting so big! I can’t wait to see him! They sent me an email and I opened it! Maybe some people clicked the “contact us” email spot instead of “email property”-could that maybe make a difference? I don’t blame you for wanting to move. I love being close to my family. Ryn: I hate incompetent people working in the govt! *grr*

July 7, 2006

I hear ya with the crime thing, I’m so glad we’re getting out of where we’re living. I wouldn’t even walk here by myself, let alone with my baby…it’s just horrible here too!!

get a job

awww! you’re too cute.

maybe you should not have been trying for a baby if you couldn’t afford it. Sounds like a great are to raise a child in. Couldn’t you have gotten a job earlier on in your pregnancy?? Or do you just find charity easier?

July 7, 2006

Cute pictures. Take care! 🙂

July 7, 2006

Hmm the unsigned notes you’re getting do seem very similar to mine…I guess harassing me isn’t enough for them anymore

Glad to see you are so easily upset. That was my intention. Pathetic. Just go on welfare, I am sure you and your *gasp* 8 month pregnant self could justify it.

July 7, 2006

People are so retarded.

July 7, 2006

^^^ It’s not like her husband isn’t making any money. He gets paid pretty well for this area in an entry-level position, but they’re just going through a tight period right now. It happens to the best of us. There’s no way they’d qualify for welfare anyway even if they wanted to. Does someone have to be dirt poor to be broke for a few weeks? No. Get a clue. For the record, I tried to

July 7, 2006

offer to send a little something to them, especially considering Stacy drove over an hour to Greensboro so I wouldn’t have to go to my first ultrasound alone, but she adamantly turned my offer down. She’s definitely not taking charity.

July 7, 2006

Hun, you should just change your notes to signed only… its not hard to sign up for an open diary… it IS free… the harassment might stop then…

July 7, 2006

Some people are just a’holes. Plain and simple. Forget that loser. You and Jake are incredible people. Yes, you’re having a hard time now.. but who hasn’t??? I definitely know how it feels to be in that boat!

July 7, 2006

don’t worry about what anyone says, nothing matters except you and jake and your family! i make 32,500 a year and we’ve decided that if we get pregnant soon allen will stay home with the baby b/c he would basically be paying for daycare if he worked, unless you have family in the area to provide childcare then lots of people have to make the decision to say home!

July 7, 2006

Holy Jesus. I can’t even imagine what would cause someone to judge someone they don’t even know so extremely harshly. I guess THEY’VE never ever in their entire lives been short on funds. ::rolls her eyes:: I’m sorry you had to have those notes, darling.

July 8, 2006

I am not able to work right now, as I signed a contract to begin teaching at the end of July, and we’re (barely) surviving off of military pay. It’s pathetic that these people are so much “holier than thou” and think that good, smart people don’t hit on rough times.

Random Noter: I’m so sorry noters are dumb. Best of luck to you throughout your pregnancy!

July 8, 2006

RYN: I’ve been keeping a good eye on it. My Doctor is having me go in for weekly appointments because of the high blood pressure, etc… If I do develop pre-eclampsia he wants to tackle the situation as soon as we catch it. I’m not worried. Just uncomfortable more than anything!

July 10, 2006

Wow, he’s getting so big! And for the unsigned notes, grow the f*ck up and take responsibility for the nasty things you’re saying.

July 18, 2006

I don’t think you should get a job. They should shut up.

July 18, 2006

My aunt used to work in Charlotte, and she lived in Rock Hill, SC, which is much smaller.. it’s a nice little place. I like Charlotte.