
So, Jake and I decided today to wait on buying a house after all. I’m a little bummed, but I know it’s for the best. This will give him time to decide if he really wants to stay out here or not. I think he does, because the department really does have a lot to offer that other departments in the state don’t.

And moving right after having a baby would not be good for my mental health, seeing as how I’d be the one having to take care of all of the packing, on top of still recovering from delivery AND taking care of Noah all day as well.

And this way, we can get more stuff paid off and really get our credit scores up even more. They’re not bad by any means, they’re actually right about where we’re all told the national average is (mid/high 600’s), but eh, we can always do better. Especially if we can pay off both of our vehicles by this time next year. Not too hard to accomplish, seeing as how his truck will be paid off in February regardless of what we do.

Kaci, I would love to make you a blinkie. I’ll try to get that done later tonight or sometime tomorrow.

Happy birthday to both Cassie and Sabrina!! I hope you both had fabulous days!!

I’m REALLY starting to hate the Department of Labor. It’s been over a week since Jake called the main office out here to find out what’s going on with his paperwork, and he still hasn’t heard anything back. It’d be nice to know SOMETHING, anything at all. Especially considering that it can take the VA up to two months to process the stuff once they get it.

Yeah. Too bad we could use that money NOW, not two months from now.

Other than that, nothing to say really.


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August 10, 2006

Moving after labor would be bad! I hope it all works out for the best.

August 10, 2006

I think waiting would be a good idea. Owning your own home is challenging, and expensive! Atleast while you rent you have someone to call when you want something fixed and you don’t have to pay them to do it! No rush on the blinky, but cool!

August 10, 2006
August 10, 2006

Your future son’s name stuck out to me; my fiance’s name is Noah! It’s a pretty rare name, isn’t it? I’m a first timer here, but I really like what I’ve read so far. You seem level-headed, mature and kind…and those are all things I like in my favorite’s! *wink* I’ve added you to my faves, by the way. Take care and enjoy the remaining days of your pregnancy!

August 10, 2006

Ugh I’m sorry you are still waiting for those buttheads. That’s probably a good decision to wait until you are sure you want to stay there, though keep looking at houses online so you have a really good feel for the market there that will really help when you do decide to buy. 🙂

August 10, 2006

ryn: Thanks. I think the dept. of labor is totally off the island 🙂

August 10, 2006

I love that blinkie! It’s awesome. I am sorry you’re disappointed about the house. I know it must have been an exciting prospect for you. Your credit will be amazing, though, and you’ll soon find the home of your dreams (when the time is right.) This is a wonderful time in your life and I encourage you to hang in there, as unnerving as the Dept. of Labor may be. Haha. 🙂 Sighing Sensation..

August 13, 2006

Dang it. That was me, and I was logged into Rachel’s Readers. I was too lazy to log out and back into this diary, until OD made me do otherwise, as it constantly logs me out. Twitch. Anyway, you rock. 🙂

August 15, 2006

RYN: Peanut will sit with me when I take a bath. She sits right on the edge of the tub. She’s always done that.. but for the last month and a half or so, she has been extra clingy. I can’t go into any room without her there. We began locking the cats out of our room at night since that is where the baby will be and they go crazy trying to get in that room.