Expensive little bugger!

Well, we went and got Noah’s crib yesterday! It’s a good thing I thought to call ahead, because the Target we normally go to didn’t have any of the one we wanted in stock. But then wouldn’t you know it, the Target that did (and was nice enough to actually put it on hold for me) didn’t have the mattress I had planned on getting, so we spent an additional $20 on a mattress. They only had that one and one other in stock, and there was no way I was getting the other one, even though it cost half as much – I stood it up and pushed my hand against the edge, and the dang thing folded in half! Babies need firm mattresses, not mattresses that a wuss like me can fold, lol. But, it all evened out because the seat we got for him (remember that high chair/booster seat I wanted to get for him? That sort of seat – since I don’t have room for a full sized high chair), I ended up getting one half as expensive as the one I had originally wanted. And he LOVES it, LOVES his crib, too, so it’s all money well spent. My mom and I also split the cost of a crib set for me to use until I can find fabric for the one I want to make.

Speaking of crib sets, I had bought a pattern the other day for one, but I ended up taking that one back because Hancock Fabrics was having a sale today on patterns – only 99 cents! And I found a pattern I liked better anyway, so it all worked out for the best. Too bad they didn’t also have any fabrics I could use, though.

My mom has also spoiled my son rotten once again…..he got three new outfits, a blow up bathtub that I can stick in the regular tub, a waterproof pad for the crib, soft, chewable blocks, a few Finding Nemo stuffed animals, some other little toy, two onesies, some shorts, and a toy for the tub. Oh, and a little ball cap. Spoiled, spoiled child this weekend! Oh, and I also got him some new pajamas the other day, they were just too cute and Jake couldn’t say no to me. *grin*

Anyway, it’s about time for me to go start dinner, so I’ll try and take some pictures for y’all later.

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May 28, 2007

You’ll love the blowup bathtub. We got one for Cole when he started sitting up and we still use it. He LOVES it!!

May 28, 2007

It’s a Grandma’s job to spoil their grankids. 🙂 I am glad Noah likes his crib. 🙂 Are you putting it in your room with you and Jake?

May 28, 2007

Yay Target. They’ll find a way.

May 29, 2007

dang, he is making out like a bandit….good for ya’ll and him!!