
Yeah, that’s me. Maddy’s been keeping me up all night the past few nights. I feel so bad for her. She’s having a hard time passing gas/poop and she just cries in pain. I don’t know what else to do. We’ve tried Mylicon drops, we’ve tried gripe water, we’ve tried bicycling her legs….nothing really works. Sometimes, if I can get her to nurse it relaxes her enough to just let it go, but that doesn’t always work and she doesn’t always want to nurse at those times.

JR, Dale, and Louisa are here right now.  And they’re driving me insane. Jake and JR have sat in front of the computer almost nonstop playing World of Warcraft. Louisa has sat zoned out in front of the TV. Dale keeps terrorizing the cats and destroying my house.

And the madness doesn’t end here. Daddy’s planning on coming out here next weekend. We were hoping he’d be able to come out this weekend, but he wants to bring Carley and he just had her last weekend.

I’ve got more pictures I want to post, but I am so not in the mood right now. I’m just struggling to stay awake and functional most days.  Monday is gonna suck so bad…..Jake’s got to go back to his regular schedule since he goes back to work Monday night, so I won’t be able to just pump some milk and put him on Daddy duty anymore.

*sigh* I’m gonna miss having him around so much. Things are probably the best they’ve ever been between us, and I’ve really enjoyed seeing how much he’s grown as a father, too. He has just totally stepped up and been a huge, huge help to me. He’s so much more comfortable handling Maddy than he was with Noah, now that’s been there and done that and all.

Hopefully, the kids and I will manage on our own.



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May 24, 2008

*hugs* I’m sorry you are having a rough time. Remember, it WILL get easier. Hang in there.

May 25, 2008
May 25, 2008

I’m glad things are better. I’m sorry Maddy is keeping you up. I hope her little tummy will settle and let you both get comfortable and get rest. How does Noah like being a big brother?

May 26, 2008

You will manage, you’ve got that motherly instinct x2 now!

May 27, 2008
May 27, 2008

Poor baby… I hope you find something that works for her.