
It’s 1:30 in the morning, and I am exhausted. But alas, I have yet to take my bath, and I need it tonight as I was cleaning like a madwoman all dang day.

Noah’s room is spotless. The only part of his room that didn’t get vacuumed is under the dresser because I certainly wasn’t about to move it and Jake was gone all day (he had court and then a CPR course) so he couldn’t do it for me. No biggie, though.

Our room is also spotless. And that was no small feat, seeing as how my husband is a slob. Seriously. He whined for months about getting one of those laundry sorting things. So we finally got one, and he did well with it for awhile, but now he just leaves his clothes wherever….which I really don’t get, seeing as how the stupid sorter is right next to his dresser. Men!

Both bathrooms are spotless, too.

The kitchen is decent. I need to mop but I just don’t have the motivation for any more cleaning tonight. The counters are cleaned, dishes are in the dishwasher, and the floor is swept; that’ll have to do for now.

I also did five loads of laundry. Well, technically four….the fifth load was just the mats from the tubs and Noah’s bath toys. Yes, you can put that stuff in the wash. Gets all the slimy crap off.

Anyway. I had another OB appointment on Tuesday. The doctor I saw this time actually sat and listened to me and ALL of the details of Noah’s birth, and agreed that pretty much everything that could have been working against me….well, did. He’s fine with me going into labor on my own and seeing how things go…..however, he does want me to go in next week with a list of dates for a c-section if I don’t go into labor on my own beforehand. I’m ok with that. I figure if I reach a date we’ve picked and I haven’t gone into labor, then a VBAC just wasn’t meant for me. As things stand right now, I’m nowhere near close to going into labor. I’m not even a tiny bit dilated or effaced, and baby girl is still pretty high up. *sigh* I am so ready to be done with being pregnant!

We finally put baby girl’s crib together Tuesday night, too. Now I just need to figure out where exactly I want to put it….

That’s really about all that’s going on around here. Just counting down the days and getting things ready…..


lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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April 17, 2008

I can’t wait to see pics of baby girl and finally find out what her name is! 🙂

April 18, 2008

oh, Stace, she is going to be beautiful, I know she is going to have the most amazing eyes!!

April 18, 2008


April 18, 2008