Every day…*

…My little boy gets a little older, a little bigger. I can’t believe he’s six months old already. Where has the time gone? How did my little man change so quickly from the tiny infant I brought home from the hospital into the grinning butterball I play with every day?

Every day, he needs me a little less. Though, he still depends on me for all of his nutritional needs! He just doesn’t seem at all interested in solids yet, and I’m not going to force them on him. He’ll eat ’em when he’s good and ready, and it’s all just for practice at this point anyway.

But, without further mushy mommy reflections, some new pictures of my pretty boy.

What’s up, Mom?

Oooh, you’ve got that camera thing out again!

Why, yes, Mommy, I AM having fun!

Neener neener neener!

Why yes, it IS possible for me to sit here by myself without getting so excited I fall over!

Mmmm….tasty giraffe.

Ain’t it great? My bear is almost as big as me!

Look Mom, I can read!

It’s really a great story, Daddy…..here, let me tell you about it…

See, there’s this bird, right? And he can FLY!

This hat is delicious!

It’s MY puppy, you guys can’t have him!


Oh, and just for comparison…where’d my spiky haired little dude go?

I am a money makin’ machine this week! As I mentioned before, I received $45 between Sunday and yesterday. I’ve made plans with a few mommies, and will be making plans with a few more, to get rid of some other stuff. And all of that stuff totals….get this….$131! And I’m not exactly charging an arm and a leg, either! Heck, most of that money is coming from books that I’m selling for $1 apiece!

I may have someone lined up to buy my old computer, too. If you’ll remember, I had given our old desktop computer to my mom, but she just bought a new one so she gave it back to me. I have no use for it really, so I figured I’d sell it. I need to call and get new recovery discs for it, though. Anyway, that’ll bring me a nice $200.

Who says I can’t be a SAHM and contribute to our income? AND, declutter our home of things we don’t need or want anymore, and therefore, I don’t have to clean (or clean around) these items, or lug them around when we move, which makes my job a lot easier!





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sooo adorable… he is getting soo big.. hehe

March 20, 2007
March 20, 2007

Those pictures are so cute and so happy! Thanks for posting them. Babies are such wonderful gifts! 🙂

March 20, 2007

You know, you really dont realize… it just happens. You wake up one day and say, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY EXTREMELY DEPENDENT INFANT? You’re excited to watch them grow and learn, but at the same time, it’s bittersweet.. because they are no longer little bitty babies.

March 20, 2007

Oh wow… you can definitely see a big difference. Almost doesn’t even look like the same baby. I love pics of him reading. Too cute!

March 20, 2007

He’s so cute! I want a butterball baby!

March 20, 2007

I can’t believe how big he has gotten! Oh & when he’s out-grown it, I just sold the same bouncy seat on Ebay for like 40 bucks… :o) It’s amazing how fast the baby stuff sells on there, I’ve sold 2 bouncy seats & they both sold in a little over a week.

March 20, 2007

god hes cute i just love his hair

awwww!!! He is such a little handsome dude!! I bet he keeps you busy……

March 20, 2007

aww, he’s so cute! and he has such beautiful skin, too. xo

March 20, 2007

You are making a lot more money than I have been lately (only subbing one day a month), that’s for sure. Love the pics!

March 20, 2007

Go you!! He’s such a sweetie!!

He’s the cutest thing in the world. And I have no idea where the time went. Seems just like yesterday my brother was that small… and he’s 14 now. I feel old. *lol*