eh, you know….

Today was just….one of those days.

Hotter than it has been the past couple of days, so of course I was none too pleased with that.

Riley threw up shortly after I woke up….luckily, since I was right there, I was able to grab their water bowl and stick it under him. Unfortunately, I nearly puked myself when cleaning out said water bowl.

Started feeling not too great after my lunch, so I laid down. Jake came home, and we both ended up taking naps!! He’s downstairs watching hockey…uh, go Carolina? Playoffs. Montreal’s up by one in the total game count. Boo.

Talked to my mom last night. She talked to Marissa, who said she would love it if Mom was able to pull of some sort of shower for me, and would bring her sister, Bonnie. Also mentioned having her mom come, if she was planning on making a trip to VA sometime soon, so that she wouldn’t have to make a special trip just for that. Makes me feel so loved. And I’d be a lot more comfortable, as I actually KNOW Marissa, Bonnie, and their mom.

Um. The guy who bought me the pack n play? Yeah…..his wife is freaking insane. She logged onto his account for the forum and sent me a private message….

I’m glad my husband thinks enough of his "friends" to send a gift of this magnitude to a stranger. Maybe he IS STALKING YOU AFTER ALL.

Uh…..ok, I could understand if the dude was trying to buy me lingerie or something, but come on lady, he bought something for my BABY. And what’s with this "after all" crap? That would imply that I had previously thought he might be stalking me or something, which simply isn’t true. Thirdly, IF for some stupid reason, he DID try to stalk me? Uh, duh, I have all of his information necessary to go to the authorities. *shakes head*

This morning was scary. At about 2:30, gunshots were fired right outside of our house… least, that’s certainly what it sounded like. And it wasn’t just one or two, it was a lot….enough to wake Jake up and have him come out of the bedroom with his gun at the ready. No clue what went on, but I did hear a lot of voices outside afterwards, and when I opened the front door to get a better listen, I heard some girl screaming about "Where’s _________?" (couldn’t quite catch the actual name) and screaming about how they couldn’t leave him. And then about 5 cars full of people left someone’s house that’s a few buildings down from mine…..I’ve been checking the local news all day, but I haven’t seen any references to anything happening around here, so maybe someone was just shooting their gun into the ground for the hell of it…..still a REALLY stupid thing to do, but better than an actual person getting shot!!

And……that’s about all I’ve got for now. I have my next doctor’s appointment on Monday….wondering if they may do another ultrasound for their own records…we’ll see, I guess. Sure would be nice, I want some better pictures of my kiddo, darn it!!


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April 28, 2006

It’s been pleasantly cool here. I am grateful seeing as how these apartments are so old, they have no central air system. Boo!

April 28, 2006

Scary about the gunshots! People are just crazy nowadays! And really scary about the message his wife left you… you’ve just had a crazy day! Anyway, I hope you get to have a shower… thats a pregnant woman’s right! *lol*

Why the heck is that wife taking it up with YOU?! lol That is weird!!! Sounds like there are some other issues at heart there… That is scary about the gun shots, jeez, I can only IMAGINE Kenny’s reaction to that lol not pretty. & I see that LOVELY OD has signed me out again………wonderful……………. it’s me, IslandStyle…

April 29, 2006

Sounds like someone is a bit paranoid? Don’t worry too much about it!