
Not much to say.

Had a doctor’s appointment today – weight is good, blood pressure is good, measuring right on target. I’m getting increasingly annoyed with my doctor’s office, though. I sat in the exam room for over half an hour with nothing to do while I waited for the doctor. Ridiculous. I figured it wouldn’t be so bad, since my appointment was for shortly after they all come back from lunch, and I’ve always been seen very quickly in that time slot. But not today. I also finally met the third doctor today – she just had a baby boy in the spring and named him Noah.

Dr. Cannon had said that after this visit, I’d be going every week, but nope, she was wrong – it’s after my NEXT appointment that I’ll start going every week. Next time, I get to have that lovely exam for the group B strep test…..oh, joy! And Dr. Freeman said something about seeing Dr. Paige again, maybe for another ultrasound? No clue.

Regardless. Only 39 more days until my due date. Just over 5 weeks.

I’m getting damn impatient. And I swear if this heat doesn’t let up, I’m going to be BEGGING them to induce me the minute I hit 37 weeks, lol. He’d be full term then, so no worries about that.

I’m actually amazed that I’ve made it this far. I was so scared I was gonna have a preemie, having been a preemie myself (there have been studies that show women born prematurely are more likely to have premature babies themselves). Of course, I’m not out of the woods on that one yet, but I’m in a mucn more comfortable breathing zone as far as that goes. Noah’s a lot more developed now than he was even two weeks ago, and every little bit helps.

My attention span has gone out the window lately. I’ve been intending to sit down and make a whole bunch of new blinkies, but every time I open up Paint Shop to do so, I end up staring blankly at the screen. I need some motivation. Any advice, folks?

That’s about all for me.


Make your Noah predictionshere! If the link doesn’t work, go to – the game name is DoodlebugM.
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August 9, 2006

Hey how many weeks are you? I’m in Wilmington and I’m 39 weeks. Baby’s due date is 08/18 and it’s a boy too!

August 9, 2006

Random person stopping by 🙂 I can relate when it comes to waiting for the Doc! my Ob’s office does the same thing! (I’m 31 weeks pregnant) I’m really hoping to make it to 35 weeks, because my oldest was a preemie, so I can also relate to that. <3 I’d love to add you to faves if thats ok!

August 9, 2006

The heat has been murder, you’re absolutely right about that.

August 9, 2006

Okay so I made the mistake of looking up that test and now I have totally officially decided I’ll just have dogs and no kids. 🙂

August 9, 2006

ooh! Make me a blinky! I don’t care what it says, but make it pretty!

August 9, 2006

Its exciting that its almost due date time though!

August 9, 2006

I go back to the Doc tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll go again next week or not. If everything is fine, which it should be, I’ll probably go back in 2 weeks too.

August 9, 2006
August 9, 2006

I forgot to leave this note from last week…my husband and I left the Indianapolis area the same day that Kasey Kahne was signing autographs. I really wish I could have gotten autographs for you and Erika! Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you…

You wanna make a few for me?! Something that involves the Navy, and the ship I’m on… either Frank Cable or AS-40… and maybe something about staying behind for my friends and family… ONLY if you want something to do. 😉